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Everything posted by Dave

  1. It's insanely difficult and unfair, and insanely addictingly good. lies. Uncharted 2 is still better.
  2. Dave

    Google Ads

    It's extremely extremely unlikely, and I probably shouldn't have even mentioned it, but you never know.
  3. Dave

    Google Ads

    Be careful posting/suggesting things like this. Google ban adsense accounts at even the slightest suggestion that the clicks being made are fraudulent (which might even include their crawlers picking up phrases such as the one you posted). Well the thing is, they only tend to ban if the account holder suggests for people to click them. However, I'm not suggesting for anyone to click like a madman. I just was notifying people that I moved the ads to a more obvious place, because the number of clicks declined. However, people like general spoon who block the ads altogether, aren't helping, considering I've been a nice guy to pay for this place's hosting out of my own pocket most of the time. It would be nice if you weren't a douche and blocked the only means I have for you guys to help out. FYI the server costs $169 per month. There are ways to get around some adblockers (adblock plus seems to be the major one for FF users, and there is a simple script that can stop that from working) My account was disabled four or five years ago allegedly due to someone posting a suggestion like that one, and it took me ages to convince them to reenable it. They've probably relaxed a bit since then as there are probably hundreds of thousands more account holders now, but it's still something that you don't want to risk. And all this talk about it probably wouldn't be a good idea anyway so I'll just leave :P
  4. Dave

    Google Ads

    Be careful posting/suggesting things like this. Google ban adsense accounts at even the slightest suggestion that the clicks being made are fraudulent (which might even include their crawlers picking up phrases such as the one you posted).
  5. Someone tracked down the source of the elusive Ike mug: http://forums.feplanet.net/index.php?showtopic=28995&hl= Still going to claim that you haven't stolen anything, you demented thief?
  6. I honestly can't believe how stupid you are. Do you actually have brain damage? And then denying it, even when faced with damning evidence, is just pathetic. I have evidence from another forum that you multiaccounted on (with the same account names, lol), in addition to doing it on my own forum, and evidence that you have stolen at least two of the sprites that you claim are yours. (the rest are probably also stolen, judging by your level of intelligence)Of course the admins here can do what they want with you and probably wouldn't be as harsh as I was, but I just thought I'd let you know how stupid you are making yourself look =)
  7. haha, I actually can't believe this.
  8. Then why is it that you keep bringing it up?More lies.
  9. Trouble that you brought onto yourself, just as you have done here. And yes, you were a liar. Time has proven that even some of the first words you posted were lies.
  10. Oh, I made you like this? Would you be so kind as to explain how exactly I managed such a feat?
  11. Oh no, that's not hypocritical at all.
  12. More often than not, it's not the popups that you should be worrying about...
  13. Dave

    Desktop thread

    http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/4867/11200943941pmyn8.jpg </3 dual monitors with different resolutions =L And don't ask why I use 3 different browsers at the same time.
  14. No.They never made an English FE6. What makes you think that they will remake the rest?
  15. Sure don't...I don't have any tbph.
  16. Well, I know where he lives.
  17. He brought it in himself. How do you think we even knew he was Mexican in the first place?
  18. Any racism he has received was his own doing.
  19. I have to deal with people being "racist" towards my Religion all the time. That is no fucking excuse.And I repeat,
  20. Well, Jarly here thinks we are wolfs. Rabid wolfs.^^.
  21. Well, we are rabid wolfs. ^^ :)
  22. You have lied too many times for me to believe a word of this.
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