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Posts posted by N7隊長ジョン

  1. it comes across a lot that way when you change your whole theme and the thread tags to the waifu of the month, just for the record. unless you're being ironic about it, which i don't know you well enough to assume you are. also weren't you like "john lyndis's husband" for a while or am i thinking of another bloke?

    i can get that you don't want to be treated rudely but if you did something to piss these folks off you can't just brush it under the rug and assume they'll treat you well. if you know why they're treating you badly, address it. if you don't, find out so you can address it. maybe you're already doing this thing privately and i'm preaching to the choir, idk.

    Whenever I do a waifu thing of some sort, it usually just means for me that they are my current favorite female character; I like making my profile theme suited to that as well just for design looks. It's never serious, but they are a character that I have preference for.

    Well I'll try addressing it now; I don't really know anymore what people think negatively anymore, as I'm just not feeling good right now and I just want to drop all that negativity.

    So just please everyone, just tell me what bothers you about me?

    that post wasn't at you mate

    Well regardless, I'm sorry if I ever did look or seem that way.

  2. so you also have experience with people calling you in expecting you to do precisely what they want, lol

    we had a thing like that recently but specta ended up suspending the person the fellow loudly pronounced he was protecting by "summoning" the mods lmao

    I never meant to sound like I was trying to have complete control over this thread, but I just get tired of seeing requests all the time is all. Sorry.

  3. John, put words in the title of the thread and make it nice and detailed again!


    Maybe later.

    Hello, hi, hey, and welcome back, John.

    Dim-san-sama-sensei-sama-senpai-san has a good idea. Put words in the thread title to make it look nicer and more sophisticated. Words like "All hail My Sun the Great King of Hatti, Hattusili I." 8]

    Hi Hatt. Sorry, I was sleeping and then busy when I woke up.














    wow was this a bitch to type out

    Sorry for taking so long, but thanks for this HK; I really liked it.

    so what i'm reading here is that you're getting mad that people are getting mad about things you don't think matter? but you're still getting mad about it. and the fact that people have stereotyped you as a waifuist which you kind of totally are in my brief interactions with you means they're abusing you or whatever slightly lighter verbage you used in your previous post?

    we're three or four posts in to this and i can't even peg down what it is that's supposed to be dramatic but i'm pretty sure you started it mate

    also why did i think you'd ragequit sf?

    I have never been serious about waifuism; if I started any drama, I'm sorry; I just want to be in a thread where it's not toxic to myself, or potentially any others. I just want to be seen as a normal person.

    You think I RQ'd SF because of my username, which I technically did because I needed to be away; I am back now, and not feeling as bad as I once before, but I still don't want to be treated badly or rudely.

  4. I think the big reason for the OP change requests were you vanishing from existence tbh.

    /me goes to make Camilla badge to make you feel better.

    This was happening before I went away as well.


    Thanks Glac, I'm so sorry for being rude to you earlier; I was feeling bitterness. Can I have one for Lyn as well?

    why are they complaining about you? have you made any effort to address their complaints? why do you keep coming back if it's so abusive? if you have to ask to be treated nicely, ninety-nine percent of the time there's a reason the hivemind is treating you badly. you can't expect a public space on the internet to just be a hugbox and supportive of everything you, personally, do, dude.

    look, i've basically only had secondhand interactions with you mate so i hardly know you besides the time you thoughtlessly destroyed my masterworked op that i vandalized last time you ragequit sf, i'm just calling shit as i see it

    What I think they complain about is that they take everything I do related to the concept of waifus or them not liking if I change the title in a way that they really don't like. It really gets quite irritating all the time seeing so much debate over something that really doesn't mean too much to begin with; that's what I really get miffed about.

    And that's fine, brutally honest is fine.

  5. you're getting weirdly buttmad about this thread dude, do you need me to lock it so you can move on with your life or sth? lol

    What I really want is for there to not be any passive bullying anymore, specifically towards me.

    Every time I look in this thread, I always see someone complaining about the title and that i see rallies asking for OP privileges. Some may not feel the same way, but I see this having complete disregard to how an OP, I in this instance, would feel in this situation.

    It's rude, hurtful and just quite a jerk thing to do. This thread isn't very warm and welcoming to me, and all I ever see is people just either ignoring me, looking down upon me, or just straight up being mean for no reason. It was one of the main reasons why I decided to leave and just focus on making my own life better for myself.

    Now I'm back and I'll still getting this bs.

    There's only two reasons I haven't requested a lock, and those reasons will remain private. But please everyone, just treat me properly and not as some damn outcast; I don't need this crap.

  6. Aww is someone....salty?

    You can say that, yes.

    so instead of John can I be the op now

    i have rights

    i'd support tristian as the op


    I've said it before, and I'll say it again; if you guys really care so much about op rights and thread titles, go make your own thread.

    It's not like anyone is keeping this thread alive for my sake anyway, most don't even care whether or not I'm here, and seeing this so much is really starting to get on my nerves.

    what is there even to care about a topic title

    I know you're just having fun, but please stop, Integ.
  7. Links that are actually good at spacing are tough cookies to fight against.

    Anybody want to play on 3DS? I want to play around with my Mii Fighters some.

    I suppose I can do a few matches; let me add your FC real quick.

    I'm updating my 3DS because it's outdated and I've been using my friend's Japanese 3DS to play Fates, so hold on.

  8. i was about to do this



    but like i said

    i was about to do that

    thanks for the advice john

    That's what you should do in most troubleshooting issues. Google a bit, and if you can't find anything, then reinstall.

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