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Posts posted by N7隊長ジョン

  1. It was via text. There wasn't any argument, just me asking the last guy I was interested in if we were still friends. His reply was that we wold just be friends and nothing furthere than that because there wasn't any chemistry between us. I haven't texted him since that day.

    Love will happen eventually Ace; just try not to worry about it too much and it will come to you when you least expect it.

    Also, at least that guy at least said that you two will still be friends; the last love interest I had doesn't even want to be friends anymore, even after I asked if we could be after she decided to break things off.

  2. Freeze is not necessary if you only want to visit 3 villages.

    2 samurais are not in that group, so it is easy to survive without Guard Stance.

    Yes, you don't need to use Freeze if you want to get 3 Villages, but I also didn't want the reinforcements to spawn since that will just increase my turn count yes, i know everyone doesn't care about turn count, but you can also just say that it makes the map easier if reinforcements don't appear. I also just wanted to dominate the map, so there you go.

    The Pair-up of 2 Samurais aren't in range yes, but unless you use Guard Stance while rushing the front squad, Elfie and Harold will not survive the Enemy Phase due to Defense Seal debuffing both of them and making them take 6 more damage from all attacks in that group, not to mention the Dual Strikes they will be suffering will deal even more damage due to them having debuffed Defense stats.

  3. With Chapter 8, I used a different tactic.[spoiler=Yay]I just pressed my team westwards, and all those pair up / rescue makes it just enough to send enough units to kill the west soldier in time, thus securing all three villages in the southern half.

    Yes, in Chapter 8 you can just ignore the top two villages and focus on the two west ones, but I really wanted to push it and save 4 to see if you would actually earn more gold.

    [spoiler=spoilers]You don't. T_T

    I also just wanted to dominate the map haha.

    In Chapter 9, I spent 150 turns to beat it, with the first 70 or so being "effective" turns. The rest was dancer (well, singer) abuse.[spoiler=I don't care about turn count]Just don't bother with the entrance and enter from the south side only. Entering (from the south) itself is a bit dangerous since there is a Guard Stance pair, but after that there's nothing to fear.

    If anything, Chapter 9 actually highlighted the usefulness of Guard Stance to me. I wouldn't have survived some of the enemy's Dual Strikes.

    Even if you don't really care about turn count, you must admit that 70+ turns to finish one map is quite excessive.

    Yes Guard stance is useful for sure, since it negates Attack Stance and gives you stat bonuses, but it still nerfs your offense significantly due to having less attacks overall and less Dual Strike chains as well. This is why Guard Stance isn't better than Attack Stance, since they both have their time to shine. Besides, if you don't take out the front squad, don't they chase after you anyway and force you to defend against them for the rest of the map?

    [spoiler=Lunatic info]Ignoring the front squad and sneaking through the bottom entrance isn't that feasible as well since there's a Priestess that has a Weakness stave that will be within range of all of your units when you try to move further inside, so it's just easier to finish off the front squad instead.

  4. The main disadvantage to being in Guard Stance is that in many cases there will be units in a group that you need to kill on Player Phase to survive the turn effectively, and halving the number of units on you have while simultaneously removing the ability to Attack Stance can make it difficult to eliminate large groups, especially when split up over the map.

    Often there will be groups of ninjas with Snake Venom, who, regardless of your defense bonuses, will tear you apart if you try to tank more than one at a time. You'll take damage from Snake Venom even if they can't hurt you, and the defense debuff from their shurikens will allow them to usually land a damaging hit on a unit they'd otherwise deal no damage to. You can't pull one ninja from the mob or all will follow, and usually there's nowhere to stand to avoid being attacked by more than one. Moreover, they have 1-2 range, so most units can't reliably counterattack. In cases like this, where there are also bow-users, seal-users, mages, freeze/wind summon/weakness staves, and units with Cut Through, I found it was generally impractical to have half the number of units as I needed to eliminate large groups of low-defense enemies in one turn. Pairing up can be done at any time, so remaining paired-up when it isn't necessary is usually leaving yourself less able to respond to threats and less able to effectively kill large groups of low defense enemies or even small groups of high-defense enemies that may need Attack Stance to take down reliably in one turn.

    The game does a good job of teaching you not to fight the game in enemy phase very early on in Nohr. There's a room in I think chapter 11 where Kaze and a group of ninjas sit. If you try to tank and aggro just one ninja, he'll use Cut Through to send you into the range of the ninja behind him, and that ninja will do the same, making every ninja in the room attack you until Kaze finishes you off. You need to be proactive and kill multiple ninjas in one turn to survive the trap. Unfortunately this room is entirely optional.

    I'm not saying that being paired up in Guard Stance means you aren't being offensive. But when you are surrounded by eight enemies and you have twelve units, you are in a better position to not be paired up than you are in Guard Stance.

    TL;DR, Guard Stance is incredibly useful and demands frequent use, but leaving your units in constant pair-up doesn't allow you to respond to multiple serious threats as effectively during Player Phase.

    I agree with this fully.

    Nohr on Hard/Lunatic Difficulty will encourage proactive offensive tactics in order to do exceptionally well in not only army survival, but also turn efficiency. Even if you're a player who doesn't care about turn count at all, relying only on Guard Stance through Pair-up isn't going to let you win, unless you just have an over-leveled army; losing extra attacks per turn, as well as Dual Strikes and support debuffs through Shurikens/Kunai dual strike attacks will force you to turtle much more, and not even turtling can help you win when the enemy will just debuff your turtle units with Str/Spd/Def/Res Seals. However, this is not to say that Guard Stance doesn't have it's specific uses.

    One example of this is in Chapter 8 of Nohr Hard/Lunatic, where on Turn 2 a soldier calls several enemy units at the village north of your starting positions.

    [spoiler=It's 9 seconds into the video to 2:38.]https://youtu.be/DyFoxaQDbBQ?list=PLZUC2vCaB_KwgxfMTu5gvAiGLMUr2N6Z8&t=9

    Sorry for the crappy quality; I'll have a capture card when the game is localized.

    There's no way to prevent these units from spawning, since there is no way, outside of excessive grinding/DLC, for Felicia or Elise to get close enough to Freeze the soldier that starts next to the village, so you pretty much have to cut your way through the squadron of reinforcements if you want to get the highest number of villages visited.

    which is 4 by the way.

    You also don't get more gold for visiting more than 3 villiages, but it does help you finish the map faster if you ignore the starting village and rush the top and left ones.

    It is impossible to finish off enough units in order to reliably kill the Soldier safely on turn 3 unless you make significant use of Attack Stance. This only becomes more difficult as 3 more units spawn as reinforcements from the 1st village that is spawned.

    [spoiler=Lunatic mode info]Oh and a side note, on Lunatic, the soldier that visits the two left villages will move a turn sooner than on Hard, which pretty much forces you to use Freeze with Elise on him on Turn 5 (I believe) if you want to prevent those reinforcements.

    Another example of this is in Chapter 9 of Nohr Hard/Lunatic, where you have 3 Lancers, 2 Bowman, and a Pair-up of 2 Samurai.

    [spoiler=Watch at 49:48]https://youtu.be/DyFoxaQDbBQ?list=PLZUC2vCaB_KwgxfMTu5gvAiGLMUr2N6Z8&t=49m48s

    I've also developed a more reliable strategy for this part, which involves actually using Owain to initiate more Dual Strike chains.

    I'll just do that later, since I don't feel like webcam recording/streaming right now.

    On turn 1, if you want to take out the small squad at the entrance, you need to make use of both Attack and Guard stance in order to survive the through the enemy phase. Specially you need Guard Stance to survive and then Attack Stance in order to finish off the units before they can attack again; if you didn't use Attack Stance at all, then this wouldn't be possible within 2 turns, especially if you're already moving Kamui to recruit Nyx.

    This is only amplified in Lunatic when, I believe, the Bowman have even more Speed to be able to double base Elfie unless she uses a Speed Tonic.

  5. It gives me a decent amount of cash. The conditions aren't the best (poor, truth be told), but the regulars make up for it. Sunday morning/early afternoon is a right blast


    Ah I see the tips make up for it then, and decent enough customers as well?

    I want to get a dependable job before I undertake a risky one haha

    Poor goonpei indeed

    toontoon hi

  6. I see. College, not university. Though, with our educational systems being different, I can't blame you for making the mistake

    Very nice! Congratulations on the potential opportunity. So if we end up playing a game in the future that's absolutely covered in bugs, we know who to blame :P:

    Oh okay, I see then. And how is that bartending job?

    Also, it's not a game design job yet. Though i want it to be one eventually :p

  7. I see. College, not university. Though, with our educational systems being different, I can't blame you for making the mistake

    Very nice! Congratulations on the potential opportunity. So if we end up playing a game in the future that's absolutely covered in bugs, we know who to blame :P:

    Oh okay, I see then. And how is that bartending job?

    Also, it's not a game design job yet. Though i want it to be one eventually :p

  8. Career? If you're referring to my motor vehicle diploma, then I've already gotten it, though it doesn't feel deserved. Nowadays I'm just dwindling the time as a bartender. How about you?

    Ah I was referring to if you've gotten your career job started yet; i remember you saying that you finished your university years, so that's why I asked.

    I've been working for the past month and a half on getting this Software Engineer QA job in Missouri; I'm supposed to fly up there this Thursday to go for another interview.

  9. Hello... my nickname is Yin ;w;

    My favorite FE game is Awakening because it's the only one I have played so far..

    It's only been a few months since I've started my FE journey but I love the game a lot and I'm currently on my 2nd (official) gameplay (I would restart a lot..)

    I ended up choosing Nohr because MC was raised with them and because Leon is such a cutie. I feel kind of feel guilty for choosing Nohr but my love for Leon (and all the other guys/girls in my list) will never waver~

    Hi there Yin!

    Welcome to the Forest! Most people here who know me here just call me John.

    I think you'll love choosing the Nohr path; it's my preferred path honestly which i'm sure you can guess just why ;p

    You should definitely try some of the other games in the series though, for sure.

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