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Posts posted by N7隊長ジョン

  1. 500 bonus cash from Mexico is so good because you can get your satellites up faster in NA, giving you the Air Force discount faster, as well as have money to buy more interceptors with that new discount.

    While the 90% discount from OTS upgrades are nice, you only really need 2 of them early game, and that's Squad Size I and the first Officer perk; if you get NA covered, you get the discounts for air game much faster, which will give you more mission and money overall from being able to shoot down UFOs back to back.

  2. EDIT: These games mean me too much to sell them! I couldn't do it.

    I'm glad you didn't sell your games; after I realize how much I miss my old SNES games when I sold them and even my first copies of Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones, I never let go of any of my games, no matter how good they actually were, because of sentimental value. Even if you don't want to play FE9 and 10 for the longest time, or just take a break from FE in general, i wouldn't ever recommend selling them.

    Eventually, you'll get the want to play those games again, and then you'll slap yourself for selling them. Yes there are emulators that can let you play them still, and I even say to others that you can just emulate the games, but there's something about having the physical cartridge that just having the game file itself in a folder on your computer doesn't have.

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