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Everything posted by SakuraFish

  1. Unfortunatly the only archer I can offer is a Faye but while she may not be the best, she certainly can help for the quests. i'll put her up in a sec.
  2. Awesome, I accepted your request. If you have any preferences as well, just give the word.
  3. anything green for the moment would be awesome if you don't mind
  4. So apparently no one on my friendlist decided to fight for the surpreme tactician Robin. If anyone here supporting Robin wants to help me out, feel free to add me: 3550490661. My Rep is Lilina, which can make short work of all those pesky Greens our glorious Robins have to face. I also really like the comeback mechanic, it makes things so much more interesting compared to the curb stomps the last two gauntlets.
  5. Pretty much the same for me, even though I had a little break when BotW was released.
  6. Went into the new arena with my trusty team of Titania+1, Hector, Lilina and Sharena and managed to get myself a score of 4808 which should at least be enough to not get demoted. while I really like the idea of defensive terrain on the maps, I personally think that there's a little too much of it. I had immense problems to actually lure the enemies in such a way that they won't get the cover, while not ending up cornered or getting in range of unfavourable match-ups. I also couldn't really utilize the terrain myself because it would usually result in leaving a unit (usually hector or sharena) in the range of to many enemies. Though I guess thats just me not being used to this sort of playstyle yet, and I actually like the challenge. I'm probably going to burn a few crests just to get a little practice going, at least I have like 60 of them. Highlight of my run was definitely a 690 Battle with this as a lead: I severely underestimated that little b****, as she put me into major trouble by teleporting and healing up that stupid Ike Sharena failed to ORKO thanks to a fort tile. This put me into pressure quite a bit, due to needing Sharena and Lilina team up on him, while a Nino, accompanied by Ephraim started to corner me. Thankfully Titania proved to be a champ by tanking both of them on a fort tile, while killing Eph on the counter, and finishing Nino in the next PP. Map was the one with the breakable Walls on both sides and the forts in the middle. I hope that they will put back the old maps into the rotation at one point, maybe by combining all old Arenamaps into the first Season and the defensive terrain ones into the second Season. While quite a few of the old maps were cancerous (Bridge, Split and Lava Map say hi), there were also quite a few good ones. I do not like the fact though that they raised the amount of feathers for defensive wins though, as they're random enough to get already, and loosing out on even more feathers because of this just sucks. The fact that Bonusheros are required for a maximum feathers on defense doesn't help either. Well, maybe some more people get tripped by the new arena, so there's always hope I guess.
  7. Natures don't really matter for me since one usually can make even the most detrimental natures work. of course I'm happy when I see one of my pulls has a good nature, but even if the nature is bad, I'm still grateful for even pulling said Unit. Being full f2p, I have to take what I get, and dismissing them because of a bad Boon/bane is just... not right for me. besides, most of my units suck in this depart, -Atk+Spd Hector, -Atk+Res Alm, -Atk+Def Cordelia, -Atk+Def Lucy, +Res-Def Eldigan, +Def-Spd Ninian, -Atk+Def Y.Tiki being a few examples of that. And yet all of these Units have carried me alot, ever since the beginning of the game. Way before I even knew what natures were. I also rank either barely top 5k or top 10k in the Arena every season, reaching usually points between 4780 and 4800. The only time I ever chose to keep a Unit based on Nature was when I was lucky enough to pull 2 Titania, so of course I kept the better one. I can unterstand when people sort out units based on their natures if they have the resources for it, but I see it as a luxury I simply cannot afford. And it's not really needed to do decent anyway. being able to strategize well and properly utilizing the resources one is given is far more important in my opinion.
  8. Score of 4802 is now worth Rank 3624. 24 hours ago, it was worth Rank 2825. The drop of nearly 800 Ranks in 24 hours probably means that i will get kicked out of the 5k if this pace keeps up. I just hope that it slows down a little bit the next 2 days, 500 feathers are 500 feathers after all. On the good side, my somewhat sketchy version of Horse Emblem (5*Titania+1; 4*Blade Cecilia; 4*Blade Ursula; 5* Xander) managed to finally achieve me a defense, so that can make up the loss of probably loosing the 5k bracket. Since I can't really bump up my Score I decided to run my daily Swords with my horse team, and damn, I had much more fun with it than I had with every other Team so far. Destroying entire Teams with a buffed up Cecilia and Ursula is so extremly satisfying. It's a shame that this team gets about 30 Points lower per match than my other Arena Teams.
  9. Managed to up my Score from 4796 to 4802 with the same Team of 5*Titania+1, 5*Hector, 5*Lilina and 5*Sharena which is currently Rank 2875. The game was gracious enough to give me some higher point rolls of the daily swords, so I guess this will be as high as it gets for me without rerolling matches. I hope that this is enough for the top 5k, at least regarding to the last season, though there is that trend that the amount of points needed for top 5k is going up every season. Also the defensive Wins are evading me once again. After having up a 3 Blue 1 Red team with no success, I'm going to try my cavalry team for the rest of the season. I hope that -blade 4*Cecilia and 4*Ursula, backed by 5*Xander and 5*Titania can overrun someone. Not having a Reinhardt and only 1 HoneCavalry sucks, but there's nothing one can do about it.
  10. Most of my hype in this revolves around pulling stuff: Y.Tiki being my first pull ever Pulling from the Camilla banner, seeing a green orb, thinking "hey getting a cam would be amazing" and then immediatly pulling her of that green orb the exactly same thing happening with BunnyCam during her banner during the lucinabanner, I showed a friend who doesn't know anything about Heroes (or gacha in general) how pulling works, just to immediatly pull a Lucina on the first orb and a 5* Lilina on the last. Lilina being my absolute favourite character in FE, I started laughing like crazy with my friend questioning my sanity. later learning that said Lilina is +Atk,-Hp started to pull from the PoR banner, just to instantly get a Titania, an Hector and another Titania from the first 3 Orbs I pulled. Other than that, burning down the entire Lunatic ZephielGHB with Lilina, any LunaticGHB in general, and my first advanced deathless streak in the Arena were pretty hype for me. Also, everytime IntSys decides to give us orbs for free (like the ones for the Switchrelease).
  11. Congrats to the 3 winners; may your pull be full of 5*s . Also a big thanks to Rezzy for making this possible.
  12. To be fair, I wouldn't take this into the Arena. Though if I would, keeping an eye on HP thresholds isn't all that hard. Besides pretty much every Team should run a Hectorcounter these days anyway, and Pineappleboy isn't that dangerous to begin with.
  13. Unfortunatly not, the only Daggerusers I have are a crapton of Felicias and the free Matthew. Well and that Kagero now. I like the idea though of making her into a Magekiller with the ability to chip down other kinds of units as well. Savage blow on top of it could make for some hilarious things I imagine. This would be probably the best course of action for optimizing Felicia, considering all those nasty -Bladetome teams in the Arena. Luckily there are far better alternatives for dealing with them than a Felicia.
  14. Do I need anything from the Herofest banner? Not at all. Am I going to do a full pull of it just for the heck of it? sure thing! - 4* Rebecca: Nice, Dartingblow 3 fodder. Even though I don't need it right now. - 3* Arthur: Finally the game decided to send a Lancebreaker to me. Not that I have a use for it right now, but when the need arises, it will be there. - 3* Sophia: Hey ho, you go there and just sit next to your 6 Clones there. One day, there will be an use for you, I'm sure of it. - 3* Shanna: YES! Desperation fodder. My precious Nino will happily take it of your hands. Now I only need to pull a Hinata and my lovely little nuclear warhead will be finished. :D - 4* Kagero: At least a dagger User thats not named Felicia. I actually planned on feeding her Poison dagger to one of my Felicias, but after seeing how ludicrously low the Mt on this thing is, I doubt Felicia will do ever damage with it. Might as well keep that busty Lady then and train her up. +Hp,-Spd sucks, but at least its not -Atk. I will have to think about what to inherit onto her though, LnD seems pretty decent. Well, I didn't get a 5* out of it, but I certainly won't complain, especially not with 22 5* as a f2p-player. Nice skillfodder and a busty Ninja, I'm happy with this^^.
  15. I don't know what stats the Datamine showed as I missed it, but his final stats as 5* are 44/32/24/37/17.
  16. Got a Score of 4796 for a deathless advanced streak. Team was 5*Titania+1, 5*Hector, 5*Lilina and 5*Sharena. Getting lucky enough to pull a second Titania for a merge upped my Score quite a bit compared to the last season. Instead of getting 680-682 per average I got 684-688 to show up consistently. My Score could have been a tad higher, but I'm not ready to burn through my Crests to reset for higher points per Match for maybe 500 Feathers more. Current Rank is 512, but it will drop down quite a bit. Just hoping that it will stay barely inside the 5k for that extra 500 Feathers. The battles were surprisingly easy for me compared to the last season, but that may be due to changing up my Team. Only somewhat difficult battle was a TriHector-Reinhardt Combo. While Rein got baited into Titania, bringing actually down the Hectors was quite tricky, due to Lilina not being able to OHKO them just barely. Hector had to lure them in, and weaken them enough for Lilina to grab the kill, with Titania shuffling the HP around afterwards because of course they all had Vantage. I guess thats what I get for not running any Atk. Buffs in my Team, I will probably change that flaw for the next season though.
  17. Again, a very easy GHB for me, beat Lunatic 1st try with a Team of 5* Nowi(+Atk,-Spd), Ninian(+Def,-Hp), Nino(+Spd,-Res), Lilina(+Atk,-HP). No SI except QR2 on Nowi was used. Turn 1: Used for positioning Turn 2: PP: Lilina moves in and chips the Sworddude, gets danced by Ninian to finish him off. Nino drags Ninian out of danger. Nowi does nothing. EP: GreenMageknight attacks Lilina, and gets on low health. Healer warps next to him, heals him. Lancedude moves east and Xander moves towards the south. Turn 3: PP: Lilina finishes G.Mageknight, Ninian dances Lilina, which chips the Healer. Nino kills Lancedude, and Nowi clogs up the space where Lancedude was to bait Xander. EP: Xander suicides himself on Nowi thanks to QR2, Healer attacks Ninian, but can't do shit to her. Turn 4: PP: Lilina finishes the Healer. Xander gets recruited. Also Xanderhype
  18. I'm missing way to many Units to call out a few missing ones, though there are still some that I'd really love to pull purely for SI or simply because I like them: 3*: Hinata (No Fury for me), Sully (Hello Swordbreaker), Arthur (Hey Lancebreaker), Setsuna (Hi Bowbreaker), Hone Cavalry Gunther 4*: Roy (my lovely Lilina wants your TA3 baaadly), Klein (I still only have Faye for shooting at things), Kagero (Felicia wants your Weapon), Rauorblade Tharja, Abel (Again, Swordbreaker), Cain (At least Fred and Palla can satisfy my WoM needs), Caeda, Catria, Claire (Pegknights with C as their first letter seem to avoid me.. at least Cordelia didn't), Reinhardt (Who needs PP Nukes anyway ) Thank you for all these useless Wrys', Jagens, Wendys, Draugs and Sophias though, game; more feathers are always welcome.
  19. Total: 21 Pulled 5*: 18 Lilina (+Atk -Hp) Y.Tiki (+Def -Atk) Ninian (+Def -Hp) Eldigan (+Res -Def) Alm (+Res -Atk) Lucina (+Def -Atk) Lucas (+Def -HP) Effie (+Atk -Res) Cordelia (+Def -Atk) Nowi (+Atk -Spd) Raven (+HP -Res) Hector (+Spd -Atk) Titania (+Spd -Res) Titania (+Spd -Def) Camilla (+Def -Hp) BunnyCamilla (+Atk -Res) Faye (+Hp -Def) Priscilla (+Def -Hp) Promoted to 5*: 3 Sharena (Neutral) Anna (Neutral) Nino (+Spd -Res) Full F2P, playing since day one. I dare say that I'm quite lucky with the amount of 5* Units I got as F2P. Also I have another 20k Feathers lying around for another Promotion.
  20. Decided to burn a few Crests and finish my Score for this season early. Score of 4784 with 5*Y.Tiki, 5*Eldigan, 5*Nino, 5*Sharena, Full SI, No Merges, Deathless Winstreak. Current Rank of 369, though this will sink quite a bit. I expect this to be slightly above 5k in the end. I'm really happy with this result, as it is about 10 Points higher as I can expect from this Team due to a random 690 showing up. The 690 was my first Arena battle which put me into serious trouble, fighting a Team of Ninian+5, Nino+4, Eirika+7 and Reinhardt+4, all with WoM3 is definitely no Joke. Luckily the AI decided to be dumb and let me take them out one by one. Also G.Tomebreaker on Eldigan proofed to be a MVP by allowing me to safely lure in that stupid Nino, and destroy her on PP. So since I'm done with the Arena for this season, I guess I'm going to use my daily swords to give some lucky people defensive Wins. :P
  21. Congrats for your first Lunatic Clear then, and first try no less. Here's hope that the next one will be a bit more of a challenge. Also Wary Fighter does affect the breakers, as they cancel each other out IIRC. But your Fred should naturally be faster than those slow ass 11 Spd Armors (don't really know his Stats), so thats why he did double him.
  22. This one was way too easy, beat Lunatic 1st try with Lilina/Nino/Priscilla/Ninian with Lilina burning the entire Map into oblivion. Lilina attacking, getting drawed back by Nino and then dancing her again to either finish off her enemy or retreat were enough to clear the entire Map with only taking a small hit from the Red Mage. Her AoE also ensured that that pesky Blue Mage wouldn't touch her, and softened up the Armors for a OHKO nicely. Priscilla in the meanwhile was just chilling in her corner, doing absolutely nothing. It wouldn't made a difference if I didn't field her. Draw back, dancing and a competent Mage are breaking this GHB in half, but thats what you get for not putting Distant Counter on your Armors. It's a bummer though that Zephiel didn't get LaD3 on 4*... Also Reinhardt on the banner is just sick, I regret burning all my Orbs on trying to get a Claire earlier. Which I didn't even get, got everything else except her... sigh..
  23. I decided to give the new banner a try with 2 full summons in hope of maaaayyybe pulling a Claire. 1st Round: 2nd Round: I'm really happy with the stuff I got, even if it wasn't what I initially wanted.
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