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Everything posted by Naglfar94

  1. nice! song! man I`m starting to love this forum post now I can go on a musical adventure and hear all sorts of stuff anyway my turn! 6/10 http://youtu.be/MZhsUBVXLdg
  2. *Takes two Shurikens with paper bombs on them and throws*
  3. sweet a Link for it thank you Canas! gonna try this one out
  4. thank you everyone for the help I`m gonna try out everything that you guys told me to get it to work really appreciate it all :)
  5. Epic..Just Epic! 9/10 that was amazing!
  6. Ah I nearly forgot that FE12 had them included that may be what I have to do then thanks for telling. Now it`s off to looking for FE12!
  7. oh so that is what is going on so I probably won`t ever be able to play this one then :( that stinks well atleast I tried to get it to run. Dang I really had my hopes up for that one..Well atleast there is always Tearring Saga to try out really upsetting though that I won`t be able to try this one out.
  8. Hey Can I get a bit of help? you see I`ve played every classic FE game in the series except for the BS one so I download it and it won`t run on my emulator! is this a common problem? I just get a black screen I use zsnes1.36 is it the emulator? can it even run the Satellaview games? as I want to try some of the satellaview stuff bad some interesting gems were released on it that never left Japan and probably never will so yeah just wondering if there is a way to make this game run if not then that is one FE game i just can`t get too but I hope that is not the case as I really love the classic Fire Emblem series so it would be something to have tried every last one of them atleast once or twice.
  9. 10/10 now I gotta grab my Golden sun and play again so many great memories of this game! now my go again I guess heh try this http://youtu.be/d0m7dit1qtM
  10. Awesome a music thread this is gonna be fun! and I was thinking of making one like this but completely hesitated I give the song a 7/10. Now my turn? I guess.. umm here have this
  11. As far as I know no hints are given for those characters and how to get them. then again they probably are hints given it`s been long since I last played FE5 but as far as I remember no as Homer I just went into a house and got him no mention of him or anything well wait. Homer was seen once before you get him he was with Shanam but that is a Shanam hint heh Homer gets him. Xavier yes kinda give hint if memory serves me right he speaks about the little soldier squad he has something like that as you have to rescue the children and bring them over to the parents who are fighting (oh man I hate that chapter took 3 hours to get it right)
  12. Ah I do remember Altea being invaded while he was away but did not know he left it there :p oh Marth so careless why would you leave your Falchion in the castle? Lol that was bound to happen. Alm`s Falchion I have no idea where it came from but I feel it is still somehow connected to Marth`s continent in one way or another.
  13. interesting idea with Doma being a dragon he may be I always wondered what he was haha I thought he was a giant swamp monster he looks like his body is made of slime or something I don`t know :/ and even though it is completely separate from the game I saw a picture from the Gaiden manga both Doma and Mila have a human form but I won`t count it as it is never seen in the game. As for Falchion I thought Alm`s Falchion came from Akaneia Marth`s continent :p as Barensia and Akaneia are like right near each other and look at all the people that came from there and landed on that continent lets see... We got the great Camus,Palla,Est and Catria so I was thinking Falchion ended up there in a similar fashion and in Fire Emblem:Monshou no Nazo book 2 Marth does not have the Falchion again for awhile and well Camus and the pegasus sisters are back hmm makes one think how Marth lost it again haha if he had it then he would have it as a starting weapon on chapter 1. So my thoughts on this is on the way back to their home Pegasus sisters I will go with maybe Gharnef attacked them or something and that`s how he got Falchion again I would say Hardin but I don`t think he had yet went insane by the time Gaiden ended. I know makes no sense kinda but Alm and Marth`s games are connected.
  14. that is really cool hack there! haha a blue haired Leen,Green haired Altenna and a yellow Thor Hammer? you got my support when is this supposed to be done? I love FE4!
  15. wha? I should go sit in the corner for that and I`m supposed to have known FE4 inside out from playing it so much haha guess cause I never got any substitute characters before other than Linda and Amid but darn I should have known Lol now I must play FE4 once more.
  16. I don`t know who Dimna is heard of him though but I`ll leave Dimna to General Horace :) anyway what I came for a possible answer to your question about characters that have multiple appearances how about you do them by growth rates? some characters their growths change in each game they appear in..like for example I find Midia much better to use in FE3 and FE1 due to the way she grows in those games for me I think she has better growths in those than say FE11 where she was not worth the time and effort. Catria and Palla changed too in the way they grow in FE11 to better catch up with Est. So I guess you can do something like that.
  17. In Soviet Emblem the Broken Sword is the strongest sword.
  18. In Soviet Emblem Diadora kidnaps Manfroy.
  19. In Soviet Emblem Ishtar is in love with Celice.
  20. I say they should remake Fire Emblem Gaiden. Fire Emblem Seisen no Keifu and Fire Emblem Thracia 776 are master pieces already I would be mad if they remade those two no need to remake something that is already perfect. So yeah I would have them go at a Gaiden remake Gaiden was pretty interesting and had some neat features such as your weapons never breaking and the stat caps of 40 not to mention the neat items.
  21. Truth be told I hate Mayo it makes me sick just thinking about it. I mean I`ll eat it if it`s like on a sub or something but whatever it is in has to be mixed up really good so I can`t taste it which is why when it comes to Tuna salad or macoroni salad etc. I try to wash out the mayo in it with as much mustard as possible. But even on subs and stuff I still wipe the mayo off as much I can I really hate it when it is paired on a sandwich with cold cheese yuck!! Mcdonalds makes me mad too as on their chicken sandwichs and what not they put a large glob of mayo on it and I have to wipe it off everytime to make it to a little bit but yeah it all depends what it`s on or in but I hate the stuff in general.
  22. In Soviet Emblem Lyon Possess the Demon Kings body.
  23. In Soviet Emblem Sword Beats Lance
  24. ah the only advice I can give on that then is keep trying sometimes it takes long to get someone on random. I had mine sit for hours once before someone finally came. If I could I would love to have a battle with you but my DS is messed up currently so I can`t really use it anymore much and wifi where I am is bad so I can`t even get a random battle :(
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