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Wayward Winds

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Posts posted by Wayward Winds

  1. You might want to lay a few offerings at Anna's shrine before attempting this chapter, because in my experience (although apparently I was just exceptionally unlucky), the RNG doesn't particularly like showing mercy here. My first two or three runs (before I managed to win) had poor Emilia being wiped before I got past the large room in the top right, so there was literally nothing I could do to help her - and I wasn't moving slow. My horses and fliers were just trying to shove their way through and leave the mopping up to anyone without a mount, and they still couldn't make it in time.

    But then that's what the FE RNG likes doing, being sadistically unfair at times.

    I can't remember for certain, but I believe you can talk to Emilia to change her AI package to "hold ground". If you can get to her, that'll make the rest of the chapter much simpler.

  2. Seconded on the Laraya survival rate; put her on a forest and she'll be your typical swordmaster dodge tank. Heading straight for her does make the most sense, but I do remember the clean up for this level being rather long, given the annoyingly large number of enemies that don't leave the top right area by themselves, and even when Danielle leaves there's still two ballistae chucking stuff your way. Sending a small party that way early on and just nibbling could help shorten the endgame a bit, if you don't mind the added risk (which is less than I had to deal with; no fancy maps and their initial enemy placements to look at when I rolled through here!).

  3. Axe magnetism strikes again! Almost as annoying as constantly getting murdered by 3% crit. chances in FEF Conquest 22.

    Yeah, that rain made this one of my least favourite chapters in Requiem as well. At least I had a stupidly dodgy fighter amongst the Tiomare ranks to distract the enemy.

    ...If I ever get my own hack off the ground, I'm going to troll the player by having it start raining in Ch. 2. And... oh hey, looks like careful use of Nightmare can remove those movement restrictions, just copy the pointers from the regular movement cost field into the rain and snow movement cost fields. Sure you'd have to do it for every class, but I think the payoff would be worth it!

    You've just been presented with 3 new/old swordies to use, and there's another one joining up in the next chapter. Overkill?

  4. Yeah, these big bads rarely seem willing to get own their hands dirty until the ragtag band of rebels have gained enough levels to actually put up some meaningful resistance. Ashnard lazed around in Daein/Crimea until Ike came calling with Ragnell (granted, Ashnard didn't have the most logical of minds), Medeus decided that conquering the world once was enough and effectively rooted himself to that throne of his, Nergal was so obsessed with draining quintessence from dragons that even when he'd recovered from Elbert's parting gift, he only left Valor to capture Ninian and utterly failed to invest in those few minutes needed to crush Eliwood and co.

    About the only important villain to repeatedly actually try wiping the upstart FE heroes out personally was Zelgius, and he wasn't even the main villain! (...And possibly Anankos too, if you count that whole possession thing.)

    Really, such laziness means these villains are just asking to get their faces smashed in when the Endgame rolls around. At least they're generally more proactive in FE hacks.

    ...Ho boy, I believe the next chapter brings back that most hated of GBA FE game mechanics; movement reductions from rain.

  5. Funny, I don't remember playing this chapter at all.

    Looking at it though, I'd probably stick right and move as a relatively tight group, covering Edward/chest key carriers but otherwise keep moving down, then if I got that far then hole up in the bottom right.

    ...Actually, I do remember one thing regarding Shel (and the eighth turn in general)...

    Shel doesn't actually move. He'll appear, but the chapter ends when you finish your eighth player phase. There's no enemy phase. So unless you decide to get suicidal and actually attack him, all he can do is give you a mild panic attack when he turns up.

    ...So that last turn? Good for some relatively risk free EXP.

    (FYI, this was back in v1.3, but I don't see why Sacred Blaze would have changed it...)

  6. Well, in previous releases Lemonie and Nobia did have to be spoken to to be recruited. I'm guessing Ghast changed it to streamline things and forgot to change the text to something more appropriate.

    I'm still back on 2-2, but my MVP has definitely been Malcom so far. Other people are finally starting to get level ups that aren't just 1 stat, so that might change...

  7. So... what are we supposed to get for completing the cryptic note chain in 2-1? Because if there's supposed to be an actual item as a reward (and Bram saying "you dropped something" seems to indicate there is), it's not currently dropping.

  8. Proofreader/plot hole spotter to be precise. I haven't seen much farther than the public patch goes so far (he releases updates to me on a chapter by chapter basis), but Alfred likes to tease future stuff and bounce ideas off me (and sometimes, I bounce implementation ideas back).

    If you flick back through this thread (yeah I know, that's a lot of pages) you can see quite a few screenshots/concepts he's teased to the fanbase.

  9. Well, as of the latest plan, Alfred is looking to end the main story in Ch. 16... but if you go and finish the ruins first (and no, I don't know how he'll unlock them without unlocking Rausten/Pylum), you'll get a different and probably better ending.

    Having seen what Alfred's been brainstorming so far, they will be worth the wait. He's getting quite creative!

  10. I think we've got a certain "oh crap" level (and yet, one of my favourites in Requiem) before the other swordies join up. And actually, the game sorta goes wild and dumps four of them on you in the space of two chapters. They're all pretty good... so Jace unfortunately might be destined for the bench.

    I didn't really bother with Vincent either, but that was more because Marco was doing well on the axe front. Although my end team was admittedly a little axe-lite, given that I ended up relying on a pair of Paladins and a Hero.

    Chapter 12's kind of a lull; it's got long term significance, but it's fairly gentle in both gameplay and story terms compared to what's just passed. And after this, well...

  11. Got to be honest, I'm not particularly surprised. Too silent for too long; the FEE3 submission thing looked hopeful, but I thought it strange it wasn't Astra making the submission as in previous FEE3s. Now I know why.

    I'm sad to see it outright buried though. It was the first hack that I properly got into, the thing that drew me onto Serenes in the first place. The worldbuilding may have not been the best now I think back to it, but it wasn't that bad and there were a good few memorable levels to make up for it (the two levels in Musain where Renair's separated from the majority of her gang come to mind). Overall, it was still one of the better FE hacks.

    I don't suppose there's the possibility of a rough outline of where the story was going to go? Most of us never saw past Ch. 15 (and that was only in an FEE3 vid). It would have been nice to know just how you planned on ending it...

  12. I hated those Elites too. They didn't split up for me, but I couldn't outrun them because of a certain knight and a slow start, and while you'd think them approaching in two groups makes them easier... it doesn't. You can gang up on the first group to approach you, but that just puts you in attack range of the second group and you then have no choice but to watch them get the first hit.

    Them splitting up for you would actually make them easier if you decided to fight them, in that you could attack one group and at the same time move away from the second, thus letting you ultimately get first strike on both. But yes, RNG abuse is pretty much a necessity. The Elite Egardians certainly live up to their rank!

  13. I'm also having problems with finishing ch 13. You said that renaming the visual boy's save file extension to .sav fixes the problem, but it didn't change anything for me. For reference, my save files are usually .sa1. Any ideas for what I could be doing wrong? I'm already on VBA, so that shouldn't be the problem.

    There's apparently different versions of VBA using different save file extensions. I stuck with an older one for a long time which used .sav, then got hit with a horrible problem where I could not get it to play at normal speed whatever I did to the emulator settings (never dropping below 600%). So I downloaded a more recent version (which played normally), but found it was using .sa1 for its save file extension instead. Changing the extension will still let it work when you first load it up, but then VBA will likely just create a new save file back at .sa1 next time the game saves/autosaves and will prioritise that one over your .sav.

    Best thing I suggest then is to check through the older versions of VBA until you find you find one which uses .sav's instead. Either that or fiddle around in VBA's settings; there may be something I'm not seeing in there.

  14. Skitty's "Fractured Realms" (a hack of FE7) managed it. If I recall, it involved using eventing to change a character's allegiance to "other" when they were killed. That was why when you lost someone, you'd see their map sprite momentarily turn green just before it faded away. Come the next battle, they'd be back in your army with the same level/stats/equipment they'd had when they were "killed".

    I don't know the specifics though, and I'm pretty sure it was more complicated than that - but it's certainly possible.

  15. Mediafire's a bit buggy for me as well, but it usually works after a few tries.

    One thing I think helps is to wait until the page - and all of the ads - are fully loaded before clicking that big green button. If it's busy loading something then it seems a lot less likely to actually let your download manager's dialogue box pop up.

    Other than that, all I can suggest is to check your security settings. It's possible that something there is just saying NO, and not telling you about it. I remember "smart screen filter" stopping me from downloading Fractured Realms once upon a time...

  16. I do actually want to see how it ends. I'll acknowledge that it's just a bit on the BS side to be fun to play though. The thing is, I really like pretty much every idea it's shown so far, even stacked together as they are (possibly with the exception of Reisen's 3d vision thing, once I stopped laughing and realised it was going to be pretty much constant. That was determined to give me migraine). But it just goes on a teensy bit too long, and once the novelty wears off it looks like it becomes an endless tedium of despair. Seriously, how far were you through Marc? A quarter at most? If it was essentially a small arena that you could clear in, say, 20 minutes, then it would probably be great.

  17. I tested your .sav file out, and i have some questions:

    1) How did you promote Djambo and Sae'rah? on my save file i didn't promote them to Solider/Marine.

    do they have the same requirement as Andre to promote? At LVL 10 at battle preparations.

    2) on ch 5, i missed getting the Gem which gives 10 EXP per use, um how many uses does this exp gem have?

    the battle that freezes, it might be a glitch or just that as a bypass that sae'rah shouldn't battle FA (demon king mode)?

    why would it freeze upon sae'rah battling FA and not any other charater?

    I think Alfred's fixed the Sae'rah glitch (some minor issue with her animation package apparently), not sure if he's updated the public patch accordingly yet. It did happen with Sae'rah against a Centaur as well, so it's not specifically to do with the boss of Ch. 8 (oh, and could you use spoiler tags next time you talk about a plot development like that, or at least talk in generic terms like I did? There are still some people who haven't played this hack yet.) If Alfred hasn't updated the patch, then turning Sae'rah's animations off should bypass the glitch anyway. It doesn't happen often, but if it does then your only options are to restart the chapter or reload a save state (which you probably shouldn't need anyway... unless the RNG positively hates you).

    Sae'rah and Djambo do indeed promote the same way as Andre. Sae'rah gets to choose Soldier or Super Recruit, and Djambo has either Pirate or Savage Rebel.

    The gem (Wisdom Gem) has 9 uses.

    EDIT: Oh, ninja'd. Typing via phone is slow!

  18. Oh, nice box art!

    Uh, has anyone else been having trouble with Sae'rah's soldier class in v1.6? I've run into a nasty little problem twice now.

    To describe it, Sae'rah needs to have the speed to double the enemy, and be the one attacking. She strikes first and misses. So far, not a problem. But then, she immediately moves to do her second attack at the same time the enemy does theirs. And when they're both done, the game refuses to end the battle. It's not frozen because the music's still playing and the weapon advantage/disadvantage arrows are still bobbing up and down, but it just doesn't resolve.

    Here's a save file for anyone who wants to look; just resume the chapter. BUT, this particular battle is Sae'rah in melee combat against the Ch. 8 boss, so don't look if you don't want to see spoilers.


    The other time it happened was also in Ch. 8, but with her using a javelin against a Centaur (yes, I know, weapon triangle disadvantage). In both cases, she missed both first and second strikes.

  19. also, for accessing the tower, can you ONLY access it once (like go inside and level up specific charters a bit, then retreat, then go back in after 1 day or so?)

    and to go back in do you need to wait 1 day to do so?

    As far as I know, it's hard locked to main story progress. Each time you complete a main chapter, you can go in again. But, given that there are no main chapters currently available past the tower's appearance, you can only go in once per playthrough in the current release. And no, it isn't linked to real time either. GBA FE doesn't have any understanding of the humble clock.

    I think that restriction will be lifted when you're nearly at the end of the story in a later release, but I'm not certain.

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