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Everything posted by Person123

  1. Spikes on the right have been removed, and smugness is up about 68%
  2. Here's Legato. Aside from the armor I made the eyes about 36% more villainous. If anyone wants to clean up the chest a bit or make other changes they're welcome to do so.
  3. I plan to revamp Legato's armor. Maybe dial the "villainy" up a few dozen notches. If there's a particular armor design you're fond of PM it to me, or I can just do whatever if you'd prefer.
  4. Steel's my preferred type. Dragon's up there too, as is ice. Ice is a pretty feeble typing unfortunately. Fairy's about as lame as it gets.
  5. Obligatory heavy armor drops, a cooking recipe for a Chicken Pot-Pie, and some Ketchup packets. 1% chance I drop a fancy dragon mount.
  6. Going to eat, do some MMO stuff and most likely spend the rest of the night spriting while listening to stuff on Youtube.
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