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Everything posted by Person123

  1. People are starting to see through the double standard perpetuated by mainstream media outlets, the emails leaked from wikileaks detailing collusion between the DNC and various media outlets will only will help worsen public perception of how trustworthy the media is.
  2. Hillary's campaign is a trainwreck. Hell, half the time when her twitter account tweets something about Trump it's like she's campaigning for him. My favorite example: https://twitter.com/hillaryclinton/status/731107990514880512
  3. Yeah it's true, the blatant alienation of Sanders supporters is a far larger factor in Clinton's inevitable defeat, but that won't stop Clinton supporters from blaming them.
  4. I'm dying to know what's in the next round of leaks. I got my fingers crossed for shady foreign government interactions. Clearly Hillary Clinton is a Trump plant so he can win the election. I can guarantee you that there would be plenty of people from the Clinton camp blaming Sanders supporters once she loses. Also this is the second time Trump pulled ahead in the averages, it was back when he all but eliminated Cruz/Kasich but before Hillary locked up the nomination.
  5. Apparently "unity" is codeword for "silencing dissenters." https://twitter.com/PennyRed/status/758076520837427201?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/tonybrasunas/status/758043978721787904 http://i.imgur.com/4zAzw8f.jpg
  6. Rescinding the endorsement would be the only thing he could do now to somewhat redeem himself, although he shouldn't have endorsed in the first place. Hillary Clinton is a hell I wouldn't wish upon anyone. People who think Hillary Clinton is the lesser of two evils when compared to Trump does not know Hillary Clinton well enough. I'm considering typing out a giant anti-Hillary effortpost, maybe I'll start drafting it tomorrow.
  7. I would understand if he just quit after being treated unfairly by the DNC, but literally endorsing the face of crony capitalism even after it's revealed to everyone just how thoroughly the DNC rigged everything against him kinda flies in the face of his little "revolution." Not to mention there were many donors of his who expected him to take his campaign to the convention, only to just hand that money off to the same DNC that rigged the process against him and his supporters. No refunds lol I can't say I'm surprised really, this is the same man who had his rally hijacked by 2 activists. He still has a small chance to redeem himself at the convention but that's terribly unlikely.
  8. The thousands of people currently protesting in Philly might disagree with you.
  9. It takes some impressive balls to double down on cronyism so shamelessly. I'm sure this will help unify the party!
  10. At this point there are no winning moves for Sanders to play in order to please all of his followers. His "true believers" want him to somehow swipe the nomination from Hillary on the convention floor despite very obviously giving up. I'm sure there are some other supporters who want him to rescind his endorsement of Hillary and endorse someone like Stein, or even run third party which would obviously just hand the election to Trump. Most will just give up like he has and submit to Hillary due to all the anti-Trump fear mongering. The rest would be too demoralized to bother showing up to vote and a small chunk will end up going over to Trump.
  11. I really do feel pretty bad for Sander's supporters. Even after Bernie sold them all out to the DNC there are still a few who legitimately believe he's still trying to win and his endorsement's just "part of his plan." They can't really accept that he's just spineless. Or maybe Sanders just doesn't want to be found dead from an "apparent suicide" with 2 bullet holes in the back of his head. I can see that they're trying to scapegoat DWS in order to deflect blame but it's shamelessly transparent what they're trying to do. The DNC so far is doing a very good job alienating Sanders supporters. I was expecting Hillary to pick some progressive VP as some sort of unity play but I guess her campaign just expects Sanders voters to be good little tools and just "fall in line" like he has.
  12. Those bitter Sanders supporters are all riled up now because of the DNC email leaks, right before the convention too. Hopefully there are no large scale violent protests outside the convention. The RNC convention protests were far tamer than most people predicted, so maybe the DNC convention will go smoothly too.
  13. It's pretty pathetic that Sanders endorsed Hillary despite knowing the way the DNC stacked the deck against him. I remember at least Ron Paul stuck to his principles after being cheated out of the nomination back in 2012.
  14. Seems the RNC convention has concluded, and the protests were much smaller than what people were expecting. I wonder how the DNC convention will turn out. Sanders did bend the knee to Clinton before the convention, but I wonder if that'll actually keep things from escalating.
  15. Night 3: Shoots everybody and wins
  16. Finally, my type of game. Persuasion > Towniness > Accuracy
  17. It's Ok. Not really worth making an account though.
  18. Were you the one who leaked Jeb Bush's secret guac recipe to the Trump campaign?
  19. Are you a childless single man who masturbates to anime?
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