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Everything posted by Person123

  1. Kasich is now officially 4th place in a 2 man race. Ahahahahahahaha
  2. This isn't her first Presidential Campaign either. She has more experience doing this than Sanders does.
  3. Haha, wow. I guess they don't call her "Shillary" for nothing. Now I feel bad for legitimate Hillary supporters, people will just accuse them of being literal shills.
  4. It might be a demographics thing. I assume most people here are around 20~ years old, and Hillary gets stomped when it comes to young people.
  5. Who you would consider to be the best candidate is subjective. At this point though, it's really shaping up to be Hillary Vs. Trump. I think the only way Sanders could be the democratic nominee is if Hillary gets indicted, which is unlikely. To sum it up, the biggest problem with Trump is his complete lack of legislative experience, and people ultimately don't know what to expect with a Trump presidency. There's also a lot of people who feel his rhetoric is unbecoming for a Presidential candidate.
  6. 7/11 was a part time job. Anyways, I'm pretty sure America has bigger problems than someone misspeaking at a rally. Media loves blowing pointless things way out of proportion.
  7. At its core, America is a constitutionally limited representative democratic republic. Key word democratic.
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_powers
  9. Kasich has been mathematically eliminated from reaching the 1237 delegates required to secure the nomination. He's been mathematically eliminated a long time ago. America itself and the principle of Democracy practically go hand in hand. Kasich winning in a contested convention (aka being propped up by party insiders) despite the fact that most people haven't even voted for him in the primaries is an affront to Democracy. Robbing the American people of their vote is unjustifiable.
  10. About Kasich, the only path to presidency for him is to "win" it in a contested convention, in other words, if peoples votes were completely subverted. The fact that he hasn't dropped out yet is practically a kick in the nuts to Democracy itself: Kasich doesn't even deserve to be the President. And even if that happened, it would destroy the GOP; so he has no chance at actually winning in the general election.
  11. Ted Cruz is the distillation of everything that's wrong with the GOP: a lying, obstructionist, religious zealot. If you actually look into the guy he's a nightmare of a person. I like the stuff his old roommate says about him, lol.
  12. It's not explicitly "Liberal bias," the bias comes from all over. Anyways, the study you linked was only concerning published articles. Media as a whole is a lot bigger than that. Do you even know how many Anti-Trump PACs there are and how much money they spend? It's remarkably impressive how far these people are willing to go in order to prevent Trump from winning. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/03/15/super_pac_spending_against_donald_trump_in_one_chart.html Mind you, this is back in March. I can't even imagine how much more money they've burned away since then.
  13. You're saying he "doesn't count?" Jeez. I thought this was a subforum where people have an open discussion on serious issues and not just another internet hugbox where people denigrate others for having opposing viewpoints. If I'm wrong, feel free to let me know.
  14. He literally said he was surprised Trump would have any supporters here and then claimed he thought users on Serenes were all more open minded than to support him. Not even considering why anyone on Serenes would support Trump and then going on to say he thought everyone here was more open minded not to do so is blatantly ironic. Don't be dense.
  15. I supported Sanders on the democrat side, I really wanted him to get the nomination over Clinton. At this point I just don't think he has a chance. Once he claimed he was "tired" of Hillary's emails is the exact moment I knew he would be unable to stop her. I imagine he doesn't want to risk possibly fracturing the Democrat party. At this point, I think the only way he can secure the nomination is if Hillary gets indicted; and you can imagine why that most likely won't happen.
  16. If you want to be closed minded about a possible Trump presidency because his talking points appeal to some people you don't agree with, that's your problem. Trump's viewpoints appeal to a great many people, although you can hide behind your strawman arguments about some of the people he appeals to if you like. Just because you wrongly assume illegal immigration's a social issue doesn't mean that it is not a problem. There just are not enough jobs available for everyone. And I swear if anyone's going to accuse the United States Commission on Civil Rights to be racist I'm going to have a hernia. Concerning Iraq back in August 2004, he had this to say. He saw ISIS coming a mile away. Here's another quote from Trump concerning North Korea back in September. Later proven to be correct. I couldn't care less about rhetoric, but Trump's lack of political experience, especially with regards to specific policy details is definitely the number 1 issue with Trump. Unless he goes into more detail about the specifics during the general election; it could prove to be his undoing. Something tells me those are issues he'll work to rectify during the general election; however, that remains to be seen.
  17. Quoted for irony I must have missed when you posted this back when I was catching up with this thread. Take a look at this article and read through it. It's your typical media nonsense where they take something Trump said, and spin reality around to fit their narrative. Take a good look at the date the article was published.
  18. I wonder how people will feel about Trump once he secures the Republican nomination and slides towards centrism. Should be interesting, assuming he does secure the nomination, in any case. Gonna make an edit and leave this here.
  19. Unless he gets assassinated or some shit, Trump will be the next President. Feel free to call me out if/when I'm wrong in the future.
  20. Has anyone checked out the Missouri primary results yet? Vote count on both sides is impressively close. Edit: Ahahaha, the GOP's bullshit's finally starting to catch up to them.
  21. I really don't think the Republican party as we know it can survive this election. I'm very interested in seeing how everything will turn out. Zany stuff goin down in Colorado. http://www.wnd.com/2016/04/trump-erupts-as-cruz-sweeps-colorado-without-votes/ Definitely the most entertaining Election I've experienced.
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