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About Apocryptical

  • Birthday 11/10/1993


  • Member Title
    Axes and Tomes

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Playing Fire Emblem and Writing stories, though I've only started on a few and finished a couple of them.
  • Location

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

Member Badge

  • Members
    Ephraim (DLC)

Apocryptical's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  2. :Smashes her with a Homerun Bat: Don't have anything against ya but... :Tosses bat to the np:
  3. You're just not using the charms right. Where is the Kitty Cat Castle?
  4. In Sentence. How to find the world's deepest hole?
  5. :Lets it drop at feet: Ehh... :kicks it toward NP:
  6. I want some brains with my brawns, though war popes are useful
  7. Still thinks the thread hasn't died; I say its needs new blood
  8. Hates water because she's a witch and witches melt in water...?
  9. Personally, I'd like to hear what Reggie's vision of a non-sue Cordelia is. What makes her a bad character/sue? What would it take to not make her thus and how would it affect the overall story? Surely Micaiah's in a no better position but what's the comparison between the two girls? Can't the only Lord-ish mage be something worse/better than the game's version of Cordelia? What do you think, Reggie?
  10. Grima is a dracolich, rezed after a thousand or so years which would generally mean genderless by then. I'd say it goes with the reasoning behind character customization that if it cared it could alter it's being to be either one. The reasoning behind character creation is that since you're connected to the great power you could look anyway you wanted too, but the reason you can't change after starting the game is that you forgot not only how to change but how to access the power until its necessary, and then you were just accustomed to whatever you were by then, not focusing on being a shapeshifter anymore but rather the person you are now. Grima is the one it chooses to be what it is when it wants, but it's not going to care until after it's sated its blood thirst.
  11. Something that'll get rid of the terrible choice of drink in the cup When it rains on Candy Island, what is left?
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