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Fedora Ferret

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Everything posted by Fedora Ferret

  1. ... I just lost in an ARAM to a Trundle who built three Thornmails and Three Orb of Winters. And insisted that the effects stacked. FML.
  2. Nintendo and Sony do that too. It's more reliable than depending on what at that point would have to be a dev kit, which tend to be unreliable due to incomplete QA. Microsoft has a lot of problems with the One, but that's not one of them.
  3. I've never played with a Trundle jungle I didn't like. The lack of hard cc is something of a detriment but with the right lane (and I do love my Leona) he's just an absolute nightmare to fight against.
  4. If you're a fan of fighting games and up for a scavenger hunt I suggest Melty Blood. It's your bog standard 2D PS2 fighter in the same style as Street Fighter and Blazblu. The characters are all fantastically fun to play, and what little you can pick up of a storyline is fun too. Unfortunately it was also a Japan only release, although the boys at Mirror Moon translated it flawlessly.
  5. Oh hey another thread on this that's much hotter. Note to self, double check these things. Anyway I understand the premise behind the DRM features, but the fact is that the framework is built on a daily internet checkin, and I for one do not want my $500 console becoming a brick if my internet goes out.
  6. Regardless of anything else the internet requirement had to go, and cannot, and should not ever come back or even be considered. The arguments have all been made and they don't need to be made again. I'll only state the one most relevant to me because otherwise I'll come off as a pretentious jackass: If I lose the ability to pay for internet in my home, a very real possibility when I graduate from college next year, my XBox One would become a brick. I do not want to pay $500 for a brick.
  7. If I had to guess I'd say it was in the timing. The game registered that you hit your E, and in the millisecond between it registering that and the taunt actually being applied his auto attack was registered, which may have wonked things up a bit. Or I could be full of crap, but who knows.
  8. I was in an ARAM once as Xin Zhao, playing an average game (pretty even KDA for most of it anyway). But for some reason the other team's FREAKING TEEMO killed me every time I even got close to him. He kept taunting me in All, calling me a baddy and a feeder, and completely pissed me off. So I built Ghostblade and QSS for the blind and slow, dived on him and got my first ever Pentakill. It felt fantastic.
  9. It's alright, I realize how stupid of a question it was in retrospect. And I know that now, but at the time it was just a wall of images that I couldn't see remotely clearly to me. @Cam: I actually did poke around Nightmare modules, including that one, but for some reason it didn't click that the pointers in the module corresponded to the pointers of the tileset. I suppose if I had read that section of the tutorial through to the Map Insertion part I would have known, but I have a tendency, when seeing a new program, to say "ooh shiny," read what I need to use it, and start fiddling around with it. My mistake.
  10. I was the same way with Volibear. Played him my first game, played him the entirety of his free week, bough him with RP and then played a hundred games straight with him (I know, I actually went out of my way to commemorate the 100th game before buying a new champ. The sheer amount of IP I had was glorious). Unfortunately my matriculation from top to support has left me with little opportunity to play Voli, as sans Heart of Gold (RIP) support bear kinda sucks.
  11. Thank you kindly Arch. The difference between laziness and pragmatism is in what you do with the time spent not doing other things. In this instance, I've just used the resources given to me in this thread to create a reference key, a single short document detailing what each map tileset contains. As said before by everyone here including myself, it was very easy. It did, however, take 15 minutes. While this may not seem like a large amount of time, 15 minutes is about how long it takes me to outline the dialogue for a chapter (actually writing it, of course, takes much longer, but in 15 minutes I can have the gist of what each character should say and when). 15 minutes is also how long it would have taken me to prepare a pork chop for lunch, or review artwork for the project that I'm actually being paid for (for the record that's not a time sensitive thing, wouldn't want to make people think I'm irresponsible as well). A lazy person would want to use that 15 minutes for something time wasting. I want to use it to get work done that much faster. Also, for the record, had I not created this thread, it would have taken me significantly longer without Arch's suggestion of the map editor and Glenn's tileset to map guide. So yeah, this ultimately saved me time.
  12. I like how people think this is me being lazy. This is me being pragmatic. As I said, if no one had come along and given me something like Glenn has I would have gone through and catalogued myself. My point, Eldinnnn, was that there are 30 tilesets, and pulling up each one individually and figuring out their purpose based on scattered, individual tiles, while certainly not too difficult, would be long and tedious. I never said the process of hacking would be easy and painless, I'm just not interested in doing a lot of work that could be circumvented by politely just a question in the board specifically designed for hack based questions. I'm trying to use the resources available to me. If nothing else, thank you for showing me the kind of response I'll get if I ask a simple question designed to make a difficult and time consuming project barely a percent less time consuming. Glenn, thank you very much, that list should help. Krad, thank you as well. I'm going to stick with Mappy for right now, since I have a guide on hand for that, but I'll look into Tiled at some point once I'm more comfortable with this stuff.
  13. You mean the incredibly difficult to make out one in the thumbnail that has to be shrunken down due to the image's massive size, or the full size one that I have to pull up individually in order to view? I could go through all of them and catalogue what tileset is what. But there are thirty of them and I don't mean to sound negative, but it sounds annoying and tedious, so I figured I'd ask if anyone had done it already and would like to share or have already done so to save myself some time and effort.
  14. Oh hey, more people who play League of Legends on the internet. If you're on NA server add me sometime, it's Fed0raFerret (how creative with names am I?)
  15. So I want to play around with Mappy and get a feel for it, since coding and art are not my strong suits but level design is. The problem is, when I go into the files, I can find absolutely no key. No guide saying, for instance, "1C1D1E1F is the fields tileset" (the only one I know since it's in Blazer's ultimate tutorial). As a result, I have no idea what tileset to use for what kind of maps, and I really don't fancy the idea of testing every single one and divining its purpose myself. Is there a key or a guide somewhere, maybe even in the actual files I got with Mappy that I missed in a moment of idiocy?
  16. It's a turn based tabletop strategy game (or as I like to call it, Warhammer meets Risk for Dummies).
  17. Hey y'all, I'm Fedora Ferret. If you're wondering where the name came from, I'm a ferret and wear a fedora. Creative, right? Anyway, I'm a game design student working on my first major project, but unfortunately my job is going to be extremely hands-off and kind of boring over the next several months until we actually get some funding, so I've decided to take up Fire Emblem hacking in the meantime. And yes, I realize how very blase that sounds. I word it that way because although this is something I've wanted to do every since I found out it was a thing, and I've only just now found the time to start doing it. It is, however, a limited amount of time. So! Wish me luck, offer me as much advice as I can possibly handle, and I look forward to interacting with you all.
  18. Wait, those aren't implemented yet? But... but I wanted to read about [spoiler=Tamiko/Cia A support here]Tamiko and Cia's magical pegasus adventures. Oh well. Should actually comment on the hack itself. It's a semi-addictive ride, I keep picking it up and playing it for several hour bursts then putting it down for three days, which is what I do with all of my games so don't take that the wrong way :3. If I had one criticism to give, it would be the LACK OF AXE USERS in the early game. Seriously, I kept going into the store and seeing the axes, and I got sad every single time. Also, for a game that was originally called Tactics Universe Seigfried is a tactical moron, but at least people in game are aware of it. It endeared me to Kellik.
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