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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Well, French was basically the language of all the nobility back then. For example, King Frederick the Great of Prussia actually spoke French more than German despite his country being at war with France, and everyone was okay with that since French was simply what people spoke.
  2. Well, there is a reason for that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_invasion_of_Russia
  3. Oh god, Holden Caulfield is actually similar to Shadow, now that I think about it.
  4. I will get Tyranitar to bend over for me! Oh wait that sounded wrong
  5. It is possible for a villain to be completely, irredeemably evil and still have a motive beyond that they don't feel a thing. Look at Hitler; he was unambiguously evil, a coward, absolutely xenophobic, anti monarchist, but his motive was still there. He wanted Germany to dominate the world, to destroy "Judeo-Bolshevism", and to get revenge on the West for the Treaty of Versailles. In comparison, my favorite FE villain, Ashnard, is unambiguously evil, but he has a motive in that he wants to make the world run according to his social darwinistic worldview. Sociopaths are fine as villains in small scale works, like for example Batman, but in works dealing heavily in politics, like every FE so far, they need to have some motive, because otherwise no one would realistically follow them. Seriously, how did it take Ylisse to overthrow Gangrel?
  6. Ooh, a Nietchian. Just understand that he wasn't responsible for Naziism and we should be fine. In any case, I also recently finished Catcher in the Rye, and my goodness is that book overhyped. Salinger is a great writer, but that doesn't mean anything when the subject is terrible to begin with.
  7. Tyranitar. Is there anything not badass about riding a fucking T Rex that is armored into battle?
  8. But that isn't the level of the SS. The level of the SS would be to torture the guy to death, and then proceed to kill every German in existence as sadistically as possible. He doesn't deserve forgiveness.
  9. SS stands for Schustaffel, protection squad in German, because they started out as Hitlers bodyguards before he ruled Germany. The Heer was simply the regular army. They were not nice people, and they were responsible for many atrocities, but you didn't have to do it. You can't really generalize and say that all or none of them hated Jews like you can with the SS; it would be like generalizing the US army that all of them hate homosexuals or something. A good deal of them probably hated Jews but were unwilling to go as far as the Nazis did, a good deal of them hated Jews just as much of the Nazis but simply would rather serve Germany than Hitler, and a minority of them (a very small minority) didn't hate Jews at all.
  10. Hey, Life, what do you think of Albert Speer's essay? Just curious.
  11. Revolutionary Republicans Seakings as the oppressors of the people.
  12. I am moderately biased towards white people. However, I should mention that I live in the rightful lands of the Hapsburg Empire Czech Republic, which doesn't exactly have a massive African population. Its interesting how so much of the conversation centered around race doesn't apply in Europe.
  13. Here's the thing with the Nazis: you had an option for service if you didn't agree with them and you still wanted to serve Germany and it was the Heer. Now, the Heer was responsible for many atrocities, but it was possible to opt out of doing them if you wanted. The SS, on the other hand, had the explicit job of killing as many Untermenschen as possible, so it can be reasonably be assumed that anyone in the SS truly believed in what Hitler was doing. Basically, in Nazi Germany if you opposed Hitler the consequences were dire, but there weren't really any consequences for neither supporting nor opposing the Nazis.
  14. Yeah, I would tell him to his face that I don't forgive him and that I hope that there is a hell just so he can burn there but that might result in me being executed.
  15. So the Sunflower is an extremely interesting book that is made up of short stories and essays. In it, the protagonist, a prisoner in a concentration camp, is summoned to said camp's hospital. Once there, he is confronted by a dying SS man who confesses to killing 300 Jews and other prisoners in cold blood. He then begs for forgiveness. The rest of the book is made up of essays of people saying what is the right choice to make. So, I ask you, my forumites: what would you do in this situation?
  16. You know, it is not in the job description of the vast majority of soldiers in democratic nations to shoot someone if they are informed that that person hates them. (Tell that to American cops, but wrong topic.)
  17. Aw man, that sucks. I've been friends with my best friend since we were toddlers, and I can't imagine how it would feel to lose him. We are getting a new rescue dog on Sunday. Sorry for your loss, too.
  18. Post Pokemon puns of all degrees of lameness here. I'll start: What do Fascist Pokemon say when they salute their leader? "Hiel, Mienfoorer!"
  19. Yeah, basically. Japan really was never going to beat Russia in a total war situation, and to illustrate that even the militarists refused to attack the Soviets when Hitler asked them. And you're welcome.
  20. Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Some of the greatest characters ever, and the fact that the goal of the main protagonist is to conquer the universe is both unique and badass. As a monarchist, though, the best part is how Rienhard's benevolent monarchy is shown as better than the Free Planet's Alliance.
  21. Metropolitan France, except Paris, is intact. I really should go back and clean up the earlier chapters; a just as good POD for a Russian victory is that the Russians refuse to surrender and let the Japanese advance as far as they like, only to get crushed in the end. Realistically, with the Russians just not sending the Baltic Fleet to Tsushima, that would make the Russian public more open to continuing the war. To add to that, I should get around to adding pictures to the rest of the updates.
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