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Status Replies posted by Ethlyn

  1. Come back! I didn't restart every time you got smacked in FE just to see you vanish on me!

    1. Ethlyn


      I'm not trying to disappearrrr ;___;

  2. Happy birthday!

    1. Ethlyn


      Oh gosh thank you so much! :)

  3. If I have your time zone correct, then Happy Birthday. I hope you are doing well.

    1. Ethlyn


      Thank you very much my daer friend! :) <3

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Angels are neat~

    1. Ethlyn


      Aw, you are most welcome! Wishing you a happy new year as well! :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Angels are neat~

    1. Ethlyn


      Your avatar is most amazing, good Sire. Did you, perhaps, by any chance, draw it yourself?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Whoa, you're actually alive? I haven't seen you active in here in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages!

    1. Ethlyn


      Just like a magnificent phoenix, I rise from the ashes and return to my dear forest!

      >No, really, my computer died and so did my modem and had to get money to fix them up...Thank you for missing me though! Have a heart, my dear friend~ <3

  7. *poke* I like Fire Emblem...too. ^^ Ethlyn is a legend of her time! :D

    1. Ethlyn


      Aw thank you ;)

  8. Nice Ethlyn pic. she is indeed amazing!

    1. Ethlyn


      Thank you :)

  9. Happy Birthday!!! (sorry for a couple days late)

    1. Ethlyn


      Oh wow thank you Marth :)

  10. Ethlyn is the best!

    1. Ethlyn


      Why thank you. You are the best Refa ever as well. :3

  11. I like butterflies.

    1. Ethlyn


      Oh really? What is your favourite? Mothra? Mothman? Volcarona? Arthur?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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