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Everything posted by PM ME MARIANNE ART

  1. Marriage Randomizer Male avatar Female avatar Allow Maiden marriage Exclude Avatar-only marriages Randomize! Avatar x Miriel Chrom x Maribelle Gaius x Sumia Henry x Sully Virion x Nowi Libra x Olivia Gaius x Cherche Lon'qu x Panne Vaike x Tharja Stahl x Cordelia Donnel x Lissa OH GOD LIBRA OLIVIA WAT DID I JUST DO.
  2. I think if they make a sequel to this game, it should have a feature similar to the memory link in Pokemon Black 2/White 2. That way, no one would have to complain about canon, and everyone could use their favorite pairings. But if there were canon, I think it would be Chrom/Sumia, MaMU/Tharja, Lon'qu/Olivia, Stahl/Sully, and Ricken/Maribelle. Although Virion makes a pretty fitting father for Inigo.
  3. Happy Birthday, Yen'fay, but why do you get a superior edge and I get nothing? We have the same birthday, you know. EDIT: WAIT! I GOT AN ELIWOOD'S BLADE!
  4. Hey, he's the only archer and Sniper's the best he has. I flamed him significantly less than a lot of other people. I take mods into account, but I try to get the best of both worlds.
  5. I wish I could have a blonde Inigo, but I'm a ginger, Vaike is needed elsewhere, and don't even get me started on how much I hate Libra x Olivia. It's like my reverse OTP. But, I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with Virion's blue.
  6. I don't know, I guess I just don't see Inigo as a magic user. I also prefer Ricken!Laurent because it gives Laurent luna and an amazing magic stat as a sage. I also forgot to mention this earlier, but this is a no-dark magic run. It's something I decided to try after seeing how much everyone liked sorcerers. Ricken!Owain makes a lot more sense because Owain has the best magic. Gregor doesn't give Laurent luna either. My skill set for Inigo is LB/GF/Sol/Armsthrift/Astra and with Chrom!Inigo it's LB/GF/Armsthrift/Luna/Sol. With dragonskin astra does nearly as much damage as luna does. If his dad was Henry, why go hero? Dark knight would be better.
  7. Wat. Why? Even luna isn't worth making him a magic user. And Ricken is needed for Laurent. I'm starting to see that apparently giving Inigo luna is a pretty big deal. I just don't want someone like Fred or Kellam who ruins his speed. I decided on Chrom for RK and access to luna, but my second choice is Virion because he gets worthy enough skills from inheritance and mercenary and myrmidon.
  8. Best: Libra/Vaike!Owain or Lon'qu!Owain Libra/Vaike!Inigo or Virion!Inigo Never really cared about Brady Gregor!Kjelle or Vaike!Kjelle Henry!Cynthia Lon'qu!Severa or Stahl!Severa Lon'qu!Gerome, Frederick!Gerome, or something really bright, like a pink, green, or blue MaMU!Gerome Lucina!Morgan or Tiki!Morgan Yarne's tuft is best white. Henry!Laurent or Lon'qu!Laurent Virion!Noire or Gaius!noire or Lon'qu!Noire Vaike!Nah or pink-haired MaMU!Nah Worst: Stahl's hair looks bad on anyone except Severa.
  9. You're right. I now consider the possibility that she could be in the game. But Magnus would still be cooler...
  10. Mine has Galeforce, Bowfaire, Vengeance, Vantage, and Luna. I usually replace vantage or bowfaire with limit breaker.
  11. I tried my best and everyone was helping me, so I don't understand your point there. The dark magic thing is really just something I'm challenging myself to do.
  12. Actually, that's exactly what I was thinking. I'm also challenging myself to a no dark magic run, so no sorcerers or shadowgift. Sorcerer will only be a temporary class to get vengeance. I am going to try MaMU x Lissa, and I'll probably have him go dread fighter.
  13. I found a yellow Caterpie in Leafgreen while training, and a blue (I think) Electrike in Sapphire.
  14. Inigo's going to be a hero no matter what father he has. A bigger problem is MaMU. I don't know who to pair him with. I'm thinking Tiki, Lucina, or if it's really necessary, Sumia. Lucina and Cynthia get good enough, heck, amazing skills already with Chrom as the father. Olivia and Virion gives Inigo perfect mods, because he already has enough skills to be a frontliner. If I don't do MaMU and Sumia, Morgan will probably be a dark flier, mainly so she can spam ignis (and aether). Tiki gives her access to manakete, but gives her a triple weakness. I'd prefer to not marry Sumia because I find her annoying, and I like Tiki overall best, but Lucina is second, and for better skills and stats, I'd do that. Maybe Aversa for shadowgift? Morgan would be amazing, but you would get her so late in the game that it's not even worth it compared to Aether. Especially since it's lunatic. I know I'm probably sounding like an idiot right now, but just bear with me. I AM NOT DOING CHROM AND MARIBELLE. PERIOD.
  15. Well, I obviously decided on Dread Fighter, because it won by a landslide. And for Inigo's father, none of them! I decided on Chrom x Olivia and shuffled Sumia to MaMU. Thabk you all for voting and your advice! (Though if Inigo's father wasn't Chrom, it would have been Virion.)
  16. Thanks guys, what do you think of changing Chrom x Sumia to Chrom x Olivia and MaMU x Tiki to MaMU x Sumia. Cynthia can be AMAZING as a dark flier since I have a magic asset and then Inigo gets luna and RK. I bet "Nobody" would be so excited if I did that because luna.
  17. My brother actually has it, and I'd say it's like Frederick. Smart, but really attached to the friends he has. This would also explain his obsession with protecting Chrom.
  18. Before we start, I would like to apologize infinitely many times for yet another pairings topic. I'm doing lunatic and I NEED your guys' thoughts so I don't screw something up. Please don't cut off my head. Chrom and Sumia- Very defensive children running PavGis and two aether children. Lucina's PavGis works incredibly well with RK and Cynthia is amazing with Aether. Henry and Lissa- Strength mod, magic mod, skill mod, access to sorcerer, VVW, dread fighter with amazing stats. Seems like it would work for me. Virion and Olivia- While Inigo doesn't get luna, he has great mods and wyvern access. He also gets just the skills he needs from his regular class choices, so I really only need mods. Lon'qu and Maribelle- Brady gets myrmidon class and as a sage, he can wreck with Vantage. The sweet mods are icing on the cake. (No pun intended) Donnel and Sully- Kjelle gets AT and Sol, as well as GF and Lancefaire. She can rock paladin or general easily. Stahl and Cordelia- Astra, Sol, Luna, DG+. Need I say more? Fred and Cherche- Makes for a very tanky general and a great support unit with DG+ and DS+. Strength and defense caps reach 55 or higher. Gregor and Panne- Pretty much is the perfect Yarne. As a berserker his strength matches Gerome, but he gets AT, Sol, and Astra to complement his also very high skill stat. Ricken and Miriel- Makes for a very magical sage, and can also serve as a support unit for the same reasons as Gerome. Gaius and Tharja- Gives Noire amazing mods, Luna, Pavise, Astra, Sol, and the best of all, Galeforce. I will be using her as a sniper, possibly with Vantage/Vengeance, not sure about that as she's a sniper, not a sorcerer. Vaike and Nah- Nah gets everything she needs to be a tanky Manakete or an offensive hero. I will be doing the hero build as I will have another Manakete... MaMU (Asset- Magic, Flaw- Resistance) and Tiki- Manakete with any skill she wants, like luna and sol. I'm considering using a dark flier build with ignis for the magic she gets from her father and the resistance from her mother. EDIT: I'm thinking about incorporating MaMU x Sumia and then doing Chrom x Olivia, but this will seem pretty stupid, but I don't care for Sumia too much. I imagine I could get used to her, but I still like Tiki better. Thank you in advance for your time and help, sorry if I come off as annoying, I've been having a rough day.
  19. Yarne's stats are actually absurdly high... ...as anything but taguel. Sol is important for Apo because you can never have enough healers for everyone, and it heals off minor damage. No matter who her mother is, Lucina!Morgan is actually a fantastic combination. Morgan can destroy everything as a dark flier or grandmaster or sorcerer. Dark flier is my personal favorite out of the bunch.
  20. I always have Yarne as a beserker. I also use hero Inigo and Severa. Kjelle as a swordmaster or assassin? Ummmmm... what?
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