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Everything posted by Foxxie

  1. Basilio, no! Then again, your luck was bound to run out against Anna.
  2. Freddy was my second choice in that pool. Truth be told, he is a favorite of mine but he always gets the worst matchups at least from my point of view.
  3. The only two franchises I really care about (and try to keep current with) in comics are Batman and X-Men. So, it's fairly close for me. While I'm still mad at DC's New 52 and all of the plotpoints it has retconned, it also brought some fun back into Birds of Prey. On the other hand, Marvel has way too many X-Men series floating around right now for my wallet but at least they have a good amount of my favorite characters highlighting. When it comes down to it, Marvel has the bigger and more colorful universe and the better movies while DC has a more tight-knit group of icons and iconic cartoon series. I'm going with DC on this one.
  4. Coming off of this last Ravens game (as a Ravens girl in a Patriots household) was tough for me. Sure, it was a win, but as Harbaugh basically said, that was some of the worst football they'd played. Now, I'm no expert so I can't pick apart exactly went wrong but there was a complete lack of offense (which I somewhat expected) and defense (Ravens without defense is a sad sight indeed) for those first quarters. It was nice to see that Torrey Smith can still break away with a run but the other wide receivers were giving me heart palpitations. Also, full disclaimer, I couldn't catch the whole game so I had to rely on live look-in coverage from the NFL network which was torn between three other games at the time.
  5. Okay. Let's do it randomly this time. So, Lissa. Huh.
  6. I've noticed people here either can't stand her or like her enough to rank in a top ten list but nowhere near the top on average. She doesn't receive the general fan-hype that she gets elsewhere.
  7. I can get on that in the morning when I'm near my real computer again.
  8. For now, we could just make a few, nice google docs and put down plot summaries for each chapter/the whole game as well as a cast list and a few folders for dialogue that we can all access in the time between setting up a dedicated thread or site.
  9. Claims to be from a location in a Zelda game.
  10. I was about to suggest that, actually. A thread might be enough for right now.
  11. I'll come back at 10:35. Err, until then, it's Virion. At least it'll be magnificent.
  12. I'd ask you people how I come off, but I'm still pretty new. Plus, with the word dominatrix having been tossed around last time, I'm almost afraid to know. xD
  13. Not really. I'm working on some ideas for the plot of the hack and I bought a laptop for college, which I should be getting my hands on on Tuesday. Otherwise, 'twas a boring day. And in-game personality-wise, what were you guys thinking for me? Because I'm selfish and curious.
  14. I'm doing well. Then again, I'm usually in a pleasant mood. How about you?
  15. Good evenin', Boney. And rest of thread.
  16. I know absolutely nothing about SRW, but apparently I'm listed as a character. Am I completely insane? That tends to be the case.
  17. Anon, it's nice to see that you're so earnestly looking for options to write support conversations.
  18. That's uh, actually a good question. I don't suppose I'd do much out of the ordinary. I wouldn't propose to her or anything and having dealt with my fair share of tsunderes in my life I wouldn't be too surprised by her personality. I guess we'd just talk, assuming she doesn't storm off in the middle of one of our conversations. (Can you tell that I don't think about video game characters in the real world too often? Besides, if she brought a pack of Risen I'd be pretty pissed.) Video game you've sunk the most hours into?
  19. That would be ideal, thanks. It really all depends. I'm not too good of a cook, so anything I can make without burning the house down. Otherwise, Indian food or something else with curries and spices. I'm really into spice.
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