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Everything posted by Foxxie

  1. Please write that fanfic. That is all.
  2. I've never really thought of them in terms of looks before, so this is quite interesting to see. I never liked Nah's hair cut or outfit so she wins in that category... but for guys, I think they all look fine. Yarne (I feel so bad putting Yarne down all the time because I don't hate him that much) loses because I dislike the taguel ears.
  3. I personally wouldn't care if they decided to make some couples canon in order to make a sequel game. They could just slap the artwork hair colors on the kids and never mention who their parents were (Lucina being the exception because Chrom's a given) and send them on their merry ways. However, in order to avoid transferring stats over, I wouldn't be surprised at a midquel branching off of one of the Xenologues, or a big time-gap sequel where the twelve heroes were only remembered as legend.
  4. WHY ARE YOU SO COMPARATIVELY YOUNG, HUH? And yes, Lucas, I do. Very much so.
  5. I'll say Philip K. Dick because I love all of the things I've read by him and his style is nice. I know there are several other authors I like that could fit this bill but he's the one that always comes to mind when I get asked this question, so it must be for a reason. You liked Awakening the least, but did you like any characters from it?
  6. Geometry is the only math I consider among my favorite subjects. It's just using logic to talk about circles/squares/dodecahedrons at its very core.
  7. Sounds like my kind of people. I hated botany with every fiber of my being. Bio was always my favorite science-branch.
  8. 1st hour: I was pretty good at algebra but I never liked it. I hate having it first thing in the morning :/ 2nd hour: Woohoo! Chemistry! 3rd hour: Never heard of a class like this. A friend of mine takes a class analyzing science in comparison to science fiction to see what is within human capabilities and what's just mumbo jumbo. Not sure if that's what your doing but it sounds fun no matter what the content is. 4th hour: ...computers... 5th hour: All the fun of debate without the staged debates, I'm guessing. 6th hour: ...more computers... 7th hour: Good for you with the AP. American Lit's not my cup of tea. Sure, there's a lot of good stuff but schools mainly like to hammer on Twain and Dickinson and they skim over the real meat. All in all, a good variety. I haven't got my schedule yet because we choose college classes on the 27th. That seems really late to me.
  9. So far I still haven't played too many of them but I really don't like Blazing Sword. I keep trying to play further into the story but my interest in it disintegrates very, very quickly. Otherwise I've loved the others I've played fully and can't single them out to be my least favorite. Favorite method of transportation?
  10. Yarne's the most annoying male and Morgan F's the most annoying female, even though I don't have a lot against the Gen 2 females. I just like her antics the least, probably unfairly because I hold her next to the adorkable Morgan M for comparison.
  11. Good. It's a great feeling to have your classes done with.
  12. I would like to, yeah. I've been to two different high schools so I have two friend groups and as a result, I know it'll be much harder to keep in touch with all of them but I've heard from a few over the summer and I think I'll do my best to keep in contact with as many of the ones I really like as I can. With the internet, it should be pretty easy but you never know. Favorite Mario game?
  13. Klein from FE6 Kyza from FE10 Rubedo, Albedo, and Canaan from Xenosaga Morty and Elesa from Pokemon Cid Raines from FFXIII (not too sure on this one since I couldn't just search Cid so I tried Raines) Ultimecia from FFVIII Selvaria Bles from Valkyria Chronicles That's it for now. I'll be back, though. Wait a minute, I just searched and is GLaDOS seriously unclaimed? If so, she's mine.
  14. That's between Silent Hill and Suikoden for me. I love them both but I'll have to give it to Silent Hill as I've played more of the games rather than just Suikoden 1 and 3. Do you enjoy open-world games over linear/non-exploration based games?
  15. Yeah! Actually, I'm really surprised at how heated this thread got for a few pages there. I'm not used to defending any of my pairs because, haha, it's my game and/or headcanon and I do what I want but wow. Remind me to never go out of my way to make a thread to put down popular pairs.
  16. Apparently does change his avatar daily or at least close to daily.
  17. Because he found a bug in his local Burger King. How many lightbulbs could an electrician change in one hour if he had three more hands but only one foot?
  18. I agree with that for the most part. Above all, this is a game. You play to win it, and to win it you need powerful units and good skillsets. If you really like two characters together, there's always headcanons for that. Don't shoot yourself in the foot for nice hair or a cute support.
  19. Upon starting the "Unpopular Pairings" thread I realized just how split the board is. I think the only "popular" ones are really Chrom-heavy (makes sense) or stats-minded. So it's bound to be a truly subjective range of answers of what each poster finds overrated.
  20. I'm not too sure if these are vastly popular but Nowi/Kellam, Frederick/Cordelia, Lissa/MU, Chrom/MU, and Laurent/Noire. There's just nothing endearing about Kellam and Nowi, I lost my patience with Cordelia in her support with Freddy (and I like her character), Lissa's was just annoying, Chrom and MU see each other naked then get hitched, and there was so much squick in Laurent and Noire. I've seen people praise at least a few of them so I'll assume they're at least a little popular.
  21. Is usually on around the same time as I am.
  22. 8/10 I liked that a lot.
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