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Everything posted by Foxxie

  1. Psychic, Ghost, Fire and then everything else.
  2. Yay! Mine too, although I'm also partial to Ghost.
  3. Considering that I've only watched Skyfall, Goldfinger, and Casino Royale (for nothing more than Eva Green) in their entirety it's probably a safe bet. Is introducing me to Kaguya.
  4. Ampharos was always my favorite electric type. I had a solid Raichu back in FR/LG but that's really as far as my love of electric types go. Blitzle was cute but I never had the opportunity to use it.
  5. Has probably seen more James Bond movies than I have.
  6. Because when I met him, he was only a mercenary. He's really going places.
  7. Keep it. Not a big fan of Joltik. Electric/bug typing just... what?
  8. I've been here a little longer than a week and I'm already being shipped? This is a new record for me. It's all my avatar's fault.
  9. Fanservice? As long as it's not matrix-boobs (ugh, just typing that out made me twitch) it can sometimes be good. There's always a fine line. And ZM, what's up?
  10. After finally searching the thread to find out that my only legitimate claim so far has been on Pheros I'm also going to claim Irvine Kinneas from FFVIII, the Vulpix line, and KOS-MOS from Xenosaga.
  11. If not, he will knock us all down. ;D
  12. A series of letters that feel naked when they're left alone. A single-letter word is just a nudist. Do you remember the Alamo?
  13. Like a cat on fire. What will my first year at college be like?
  14. D: I've never beaten it because it felt so flat to me but I've certainly played it. Oh well, we're all wrong sometimes. Currently downloading a Touhou game? True. If it turns out to be true I really do need to get around to finding a good download. I still have a working NES.
  15. Hooray for my top three favorites making it into the top. Nice to know that I make popular choices. And after playing the game further after making my first vote a few days ago, Yarne has overtaken Laurent for my least favorite.
  16. 42 is from the old alphabet of the fishmen that inhabited our planet before us. It is a very truncated statement that, when written out by a true master of the script, actually translates to "send more beers". It is unclear why fishmen wanted beer and if they could even drink it. Some scientists have devoted their lives to cracking the code of this fascinating ancient race and to this small group, 42 truly is the meaning of life. Why do some kitchen cabinets insist on being so high up that only NBA players can reach them?
  17. I claim Pheros from FE13. I doubt anyone already has.
  18. As units they also always work wonders for me. I understand the hate but I don't feel it personally. I love Severa all around and Cordy's excellence as a unit makes up for where her personality lacks a bit.
  19. Really likes adult Rydia. Not that I can blame him.
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