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Everything posted by Foxxie

  1. Is from a state I've never visited.
  2. Good point. I only know of Saori Kido, so that one. Shanoa from Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.
  3. Ninja'd. Has a three-letter username.
  4. Changed his username to something much better.
  5. I should draw Randoman something. ... That'd be amusing.
  6. See, I never thought that Vaike/Lissa was unpopular. I thought people liked it for the stats (not the best, but still pretty great) or at least for the hair color. I love it, too, since it sheds some light on where Owain inherited his theatrics from.
  7. Nailed it. I actually like it a lot. Nice choice.
  8. Of course. I'm pretty active on a roleplaying forum but I also have accounts on fanfiction.net, a few videogame boards, and assorted sites I've probably forgotten about. Favorite game console?
  9. No, not Thunderball! I couldn't finish that one. Has a lot of facts to post.
  10. I just wanted to be that one dark raincloud. I honestly expected mine to be the only negative vote, so the other four surprised me greatly.
  11. I'm an only child. Whee. How long have you known your closest friend?
  12. I can't say I'm surprised by the Henry love but I don't understand it, personally. I like him in a few of his supports but on his own and during his other interactions I just find him to be a character that is funny at first but quickly loses his charm. They try to play him creepy and lovable at the same time and neither one comes through for me. Instead of veering too close to the irredeemable like with Tharja, they just left him in a corny, darkly joking limbo. He's not threatening and besides his introduction and a few quips, he's not funny.
  13. Truth be told, I don't play so many platformers. I guess Mario, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter (even though I only like the first and second games in that series), and Psychonauts (might one day get a sequel and would thus be a series) are my favorite series. Favorite genre of movies?
  14. This is as close as I could find.
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