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Everything posted by Foxxie

  1. True. I once provided my voice for a really, really low budget game that ran out of money before it could really get going.
  2. I think people hated it because it was much more linear than previous titles and a lot of people disliked the story and, as a result, the cutscenes. It's not nearly as cinematic as Xenosaga but you will be seeing quite a few scenes during the course of the game. On the plus side, the battle system is great and most of the main cast is pretty well-done. I happen to like the story as well but it's admittedly not the strongest in the series by a long shot.
  3. It all depends on what you want in a game and what you expect from a Final Fantasy title. My favorites are VI, VIII, V, and XIII as I think they each bring something great to the franchise. XIII and VIII are pretty damn controversial, though, within the community because most people are VII fanboys and refuse to grow up.
  4. Haha, no, I actually did sell the PS3 to buy a 3DS and also to save up for a PS4. Also, false. FE7 has to be or else your little thingy lied! I can bake but I have no luck cooking.
  5. False. I sold my PS3 so that I could play the DS and 3DS FE games.
  6. Thinks that we didn't already assosciate him with Deadpool.
  7. Basically. He might beg to differ. He can plead his case when he gets here.
  8. Thinks Pokémon is only a game that can be played at one's leisure.
  9. Soon, I'd wager. Maybe we need to say his name three times. Enkidu!
  10. Ninja'd. Is an SF member that I think is pretty cool.
  11. Country's not bad for the most part but it's hardly a favorite.True. I'm a big fan of Tharja.
  12. Apple. Favorite song, or one you find yourself listening to a lot?
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