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Everything posted by Foxxie

  1. Monica from Dark Cloud 2. Yes, I have a thing for time traveling swordswomen. Second best is probably Daxter. Favorite quote from a game?
  2. For girls I was thinking Genevieve, Vivian, Scarlett, or Ava. Guys would be Daniel, Asher, or Jude. I always liked Morgan as a middle name for a girl, but for Arthurian reasons. Fire Emblem's a boon, though.
  3. Is the first person I interacted with on this part of the forums, and seems like a cool dude.
  4. Carter, I'm rather fond of you. Regarding the vote, I voted for Chrom as I could have gone either way (neither crit quote's a favorite of mine) so I just wanted to tie them up. I'm much more excited for a few of the upcoming brackets.
  5. I got another Santa Claus one so instead of posting it word for word, as it wasn't too funny as a whole, I'll leave you with this gem. "Severa, you righteous llama!"
  6. In terms of Cordelia, I get what everyone says about her being crafted as a "perfect" who loves only Chrom and how that can come off as annoying. Personally, I've always ranked characters in terms of usability as a unit and how much I liked them in-game. Cordelia's a great unit for me right now and that gives her bonus points with me right away. Sure, it depresses me that there wasn't more time spent on her being the only survivor of her squadron, but her interactions with Severa make up for that, in a way. In fact, I think Severa's character, which is an integral part of Cordelia's character by nature of their relation, sheds a lot of light on Cordelia and makes her a little more real, if not more likable. If someone said to me, "Hey, do you want to play a FE game that focuses only on Cordelia?", I'd politely refuse. On her own as a character, she's a bit of a void. She works well with the cast of Awakening, her skills as a unit make her playable, and her daughter is arguably one of my favorite characters in the game so that's reason enough for me to like her.
  7. You've given me no reason to dislike you, so I suppose I like you by default. That, and you like Shadow Dragon.
  8. Is the proud fanatic of some, in my opinion, underloved characters.
  9. I've played Smash Bros. Let's see, Ike, Zelda, and Sonic are my top three for Brawl. And I'll answer the second question as well. Outside of FE13, my favorite characters are probably Nephenee, Shinon, Haar, and Lucia. What's the last thing you read, aside from on a forum?
  10. Nicotine Gee, and I don't even smoke.
  11. After really liking Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, and being unable to secure a DS for Shadow Dragon, I decided I had to save up to buy a 3DS and get Awakening. From there I got more interested in discussing the game on various forums because for the first time, I wasn't years behind the trend. People kept talking about Serene's and I thought I'd register an account. I've come to like it in the few days I've been here since there's considerably less waifu madness. Not that I mind a few devoted shippers since I totally understand where they're coming from, but the game's an SRPG at heart and Serene's gets that. I'll have to steal some of your questions for sure.
  12. I'm never good at asking compelling questions so I'll just go with a default. What's your favorite type of dessert?
  13. I'm in a similar boat. I started playing with Path of Radiance a few years ago but I've tracked down a copy of Fire Emblem and Shadow Dragon's coming in the mail pretty slowly but I want to widen my scope to see what made this franchise so popular because I love it and hate that my knowledge is limited to only 3/13 games. I think most of the newbies (myself included by virtue of only really getting involved in the forum life after playing this game) aren't too offended by the fact that people may view us as annoying because, frankly, I've seen my fair share of waifu/husbando obsessed Awakening fans and I know that that can get under people's skins. I think that the ones who enjoy the game for more than just a dating sim (although we all have our favorite pairings, I'm sure) are just a little tired of the people who've played more games than we have lumping us all together. Even if we are clogging up message boards with posts people find useless and aggravating, we bought a lot of copies of the game. IS probably loves us. And about the loving a game that most people hate? I haven't played Shadow Dragon yet so I'll reserve judgement but I'm in that same boat whenever friends of mine talk about Final Fantasy. Two of my favorite games in that series are VIII and XIII, arguably the most hated in the franchise.
  14. Reclassing did leave me a little confused for this game as the formula seemed lacking. Anyway, I migrated from GameFAQs because of all of the unhelpful fanboying. I actually like Owain (not my favorite character, but still likeable) but he's not the answer to all of my questions.
  15. I can agree with this. I generally love the Fire Emblem characters. Awakening has a cast that I appreciate and exploring their relationships over two generations has been a nice touch.
  16. I find it hard to hate any types of fans of a franchise I love. It means that future sales will continue to be good if and when they release another entry. Sure, some of them might like Chrom a bit too much for my liking but I'm happy that they're enjoying the game and I hope that they'll go back to play the others. Admittedly I'm a bit of a shipper, but that mentality is hardly exclusive to Awakening fans.
  17. I've married Chrom in this walkthrough, but in my first play through (that admittedly didn't get very far before I accidentally saved over it) I had married Stahl. He was such a sweetie that I couldn't resist. At first I was pretty miffed about having to marry a guy and I thought for sure that the game would force me to be with Chrom but I found Stahl really refreshing. I can't say I loved the Morgan that resulted but I can only compare him to Chrom!Morgan at this time.
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