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Everything posted by MoonlitSonata

  1. If it released the week of my birthday (week before Christmas) I would literally crap a brick. Unlikely though, considering most games release in November for Black Friday/the Christmas rush. My bets are on November if it's going to be a 2015 release stateside.
  2. I kinda want to see something like having characters Kamui can't support with because of personal vendettas. Like Raven in FE7 hating Hector type stuff. "I didn't join this army because I liked you, it's cause my sister/brother/spouse/special somebody fights for you. But as for me, I wouldn't care if you got run through with a sword." That kind of stuff. Heck, make it true for multiple characters, too. Like, I'm fine with Kamui being able to support with the majority of the army, but there's gotta be at least some people that he's pissed off to the point that the reason they fight with you is because you're friends with their friend. And for the love of god no Tharja expy. No Tharja-dressed character, no Tharja-personality character. There are ways of being a fan of the Avatar that don't involve stalker-levels of creepiness. A better way would be like having a little fanboy/girl that if Kamui was like "I need a glass of water" they'd bring every flask of water they could find to him. And that should be the only character that worships the ground the Avatar walks on.
  3. I don't think it's been mentioned but I think one thing that helped Awakening's numbers was the amount of advertising that went into it. Between the gaming press loving it and for about two weeks leading up to Awakening's release, most sites I went on who normally promoted Nintendo products had Awakening adverts errywhere. I started playing Fire Emblem shortly before Sacred Stones came out and I don't recall EVER seeing that amount of pushing by Nintendo for a FE game. Declining numbers had to do with Awakening potentially being the last Fire Emblem, though. IIRC, Tellius games got a resounding "Meh" from the Japanese fanbase and then Shadow Dragon sold poorly stateside due to being a very strict graphical upgrade to its original game, therefore removing several key features that western FE fans had become accustomed to over the years, like supports and the rescue command. "God" or "Divine Spirit," eh? I have headcanon going on that Kamui is going to be a meaningful name if s/he's the self insert, since it could be looked at as we, the players, are a god of sorts and whether our units live or die is by our whims.
  4. Not to mention they pretty much show that faster loading with titles that were released before new 3DS even hit Japan, like Smash. Makes me wonder if the new 3DS's processing power will help fix minor bugs like framerate dropping in Pokemon during horde battles.
  5. I seem to recall back when the new 3DS was announced for Japan that they said that while some 3DS games will be new 3DS exclusive that there are still normal 3DS games going to be released even after new 3DS goes international. Not to mention you'd think they'd save the announcement for a 3DS FE if it was a new 3DS exclusive until after America got its part of the direct revealing the new 3DS. After all, I'm assuming international directs would mention it was new 3DS exclusive to them since I believe America is the last major region to get the new 3DS? EDIT: Second thought. With the Xenoblade announcement can it be assumed that the new 3DS is as powerful as a Wii then?
  6. Wait, I'm confused. Is Nainin confirmed as dancer's name somewhere or is it just our name for her right now since she looks like another blue haired dancer from a FE game?
  7. My new 3DS buying is waiting until summer to see if Japan gets a limited edition FE anything. If it's a faceplate for the regular sized n3DS I'd wait to see if NoA makes an XL with the faceplate's design on the system itself. Honestly, the fact that Awakening, which was a last ditch effort for the series, got a special edition I personally think was a huge gamble since there was the question if the game itself would sell at all, let alone a system with a design for it. Also the fact that NoA brought it over even though we got skipped a game and hadn't seen FE since Shadow Dragon, which came out years before I went to college, and I was in college when Awakening did. If they decide to skip on a limited edition for FEif, I'm gonna be sad. (Off topic, anyone else read FEif as "FEEF"?)
  8. It's fun ain't it? Or like the wait for ORAS to be announced that every little detail of X&Y was scrutinized for HOENN CONFIRMED. So, on-topic: Icy Setting Confirmed = Ilia Desert Setting Confirmed = Nabata/that place with the dragons whose name escapes me at this moment Eastern Setting Confirmed = Sacae, maybe? But unlikely Dragon and Ninianesque dancer = Aenir maybe?
  9. What I was just thinking with the "if" title and emphasis on decision-making being crucial in this game is what if it's a mechanical successor to Radiant Dawn? Following different armies, often having to fight your own people, and the grand finale being both armies coming together to fight the ultimate evil, or even branch off different endings where you might end on a battle royale with all of one side falling. It can be argued that Radiant Dawn had the most variation in gameplay, and I would personally love to see a universe where you can have two equally-powered armies fighting each other. Basically, things I would love to see, mechanics wise: variation in chapter goals beyond route and kill boss (Defend/escape/hold the line/something like RD's 2-P with a mission crucial NPC getting kidnapped by baddies) balanced alternating army control (After all, we don't need another woefully-inexperienced Dawn Brigade situation) multiple endings (Bad ending being something of a total party wipe, ok ending being wiping the other side, best ending ????) Supports being midlevel difficulty to get (Not like every 2 chapters in Awakening for each level but no grinding 100+ turns for S support either)
  10. I liked the Avatar system a lot, if only because it at least gave me a little more immersion to pretend this one particular character is supposed to be me, in a sense. Even FE7's Mark I enjoyed occasionally being acknowledged for guiding the troops to victory by Eliwood/Hector/Lyn. I also enjoyed having the waifus but I would only like to see them come back if they found a way that the unity wouldn't be absolutely gamebreaking. Of course, the same could be said of the Avatar, in that I only want to have an avatar that would be just as likely to die as any of my other units on the field.
  11. No, I don't want to believe that silver-haired pretty boy is an Avatar character! I was totally planning on marrying him if that was an option
  12. Going straight from Radiant Dawn to Awakening on my latest FE binge was depressing. So many ways to win chapters in RD and then Awakening is 25% kill boss and 75% rout. Not that Radiant Dawn necessarily had the most balanced system, either, for characters' stats. (I had all of my optional endgame people in my last run have 100% capped stats, plus Sothe and Ike. Yay BEXP abuse?) Also, 3-13's hold the line would be an excellent victory condition in future FEs. Puts a spin on the whole defense to making it be an entire section of map that the enemy isn't allowed to cross.
  13. Yeah. The only way I can even remotely imagine the justifications of feudal Japan dynamic is that over time things became westernized in the Fire Emblem world much like our own. Either that or FE!Japan is on a separate continent from Elibe.
  14. Thus why I'm calling myself crazy :) But it also might be the world beyond the Dragon's Gate? (Assuming Awakening never officially said if it was an Outrealm Gate or not, or maybe the Outrealms have a plot-important function as opposed to DLC?)
  15. So this is literally some crazy stuff, but I'm seriously wondering. First and foremost, the blue haired girl in the trailer looks very similar to Ninian from FE: 7. While it might not be Ninian, there's another possibility: Aenir, her mother. After all, Aenir was an Ice Dragon, and around 1:37 of the official trailer http://youtu.be/Pz2LJ-4DDWU it appears to be some sort of dragon with her, which might be her facing a split personality of sorts? Not to mention, a Fire Emblem set in the Scouring would be absolutely amazing. EDIT: I suck at youtube embedding :(
  16. So is it me or does the only visible fighter (that I know of) look like s/he has a cowboy hat? It's screaming more Avatar/MU to me honestly, considering we didn't see much of her during the animated bits and the costume reminds me of the Grandmaster one, minus the coat.
  17. Chapter 7. Had a monster skirmish pop up so did that and got Caitir to 10, reclassed her to peg knight so galeforce soon! Chapter 6! And thus ends chapter 6. Gonna get some sleep, though I might play a few chapters and summarize them when I get back on the internet tomorrow! Good night all!
  18. Chapter 5 time! Unfortunately, no bday goodies for Cait in the barracks just yet, I hope this isn't a sign that she won't get them :( No supports available either! RIP Ricken, you were a good soldier. Good thing this is casual and you still are technically "alive."
  19. Pre-chapter 4 preparations, yay! Having 10k Renown, I decide to second seal Caitir over to merc, for armsthrift shenanigans. Sumia and Caitir had a support, but now its back to SullyxCait and FredxChrom funtimes for chapter 4. By the way, hubby voting poll's closing after I'm done typing this! With Chapter 4 over, and the first potential hubby available, it appears Priam has won the poll! Here comes a long, lonely road for Caitir! XD I'll update the poll with a new question: should I grind CaitirxPriam's Morgan for the final chapter?
  20. Chapter 3, the only thing separating me from my beautiful barracks ;-; Before the chapter, Caitir and Sully gained a support! Now, we begin! :D
  21. Chapter 2! Unlocked supports, and obviously Cait and Lissa have a support. MOVING ON. Also, He's on the poll list! ^^ My poll list are of characters I don't yet have S supports with in my log, so I'll definitely grind a FeMUxPriam pairing if it wins :D It just might be a little late for Morgan though :(
  22. Yeah, I just am a bit derpy cause it's almost eleven XD I fixed all my posts now :D
  23. Chapter 1! Risen Fight! End chapter 1, 5 turns, Heroes Cait and Lissa! Edit: Herpderp I don't know how to spoilertext, I think it works now
  24. Prologue, I just skipped all the dialogue, since I've beat this game many a time before already. WHATEVER. (I'll do the traditional unit updates after I have access to the inventory post chapter)
  25. We begin! Time for premonition, aka WHY IS THIS CHAPTER HERE AFTER YOUR FIRST FULL PLAYTHROUGH My avatar, Caitir, also known as Patchy (cause why not) or Cait, is build 2, face 5, hair 2, hair color 10, and voice Female 1, for reference Setting her birthday as Aug 1 (expect to be done sometime tonight, of course!) asset luck, flaw HP. And here... we.. go.
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