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Everything posted by Sorin

  1. Teaching my brother about how to play Pokemon is hard. How did I do it when I was little? Its so complicated to teach... At least he can read most of the dialogue.
  2. So I have practice at 7:30 tomorrow morning, buuuuut I feel like speaking to you. Hey.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sorin


      30 degrees wouldn't be too bad if there was never a wind chill. Like, its never enough you're trying to kill me, weather. You have to throw cold air in my face with it? It kills my vibe... Warm here is the 80s usually. I thinks its funny to see people bundled up at like 50 degrees down here.

    3. Carter


      And that's because it IS funny to see people bundle for 50. I guess that means living in the Northern states gives you an edge ;) HARHARHARHAR

    4. Sorin


      Lol, you'd be somewhat proud of me. I braved freezing temps today! 'Course I complained a lot, but still.

  3. I'm a hopeless romantic, living in the search of love. I seek the day I can look the woman who took my heart prisoner in the eyes and whisper that one overused phrase. To that end, I'll ensure there's just enough space in my heart for her to lay the trap. Oh, and I can't forget to feign resistance of captivity.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carter


      Oh, you mean me? Silly Sorin!

    3. Sorin


      Welp... I guess I'm in that phase where I have to start feigning resistance then, eh Carter?

    4. Lance Masayoshi
  4. woah, I thought I was well enough hidden. Hey
  5. I am now sitting with you in front of the writer's block wall. Hey there
  6. ...I find myself wandering in this maze of life, each turn being filled with strife brought by my every move having the need to prove my validity. I force myself into a corner and block it up like a hoarder, expecting another to cradle me like a mother while encouraging me like a brother. And when the loneliness of this life still hurts, I sample the company of others in spurts to alleviate the bitter taste of this handful knowing well I'll never be able to tell every person in this life...

    1. Sorin


      ... they mean the world to me; enough to keep my hands off that knife... But, what do I understand? I'm just a bastard whose last heard words brought pain unto one of my treasures...

    2. Sorin


      ...phew, ok. Feelings on paper... kinda. Good now.

    3. Lance Masayoshi
  7. Anon, you never say these things out loud anymo-errr.... slow and not very steady, I suppose. How are things on your end? sorrynotsorry go away you lied #Celice2014?
  8. Umm yeah. That's... totally what I'm doing...! ... Mei, could you please release my dear friend Anon? I've missed him terribly and I'd hate to have him die before we can have a conversation. Edit: Laaaaaaate. Oh well.
  9. he'd be swallowed up by it unless he had his anti Touhou-waifu trousers on
  10. always. i am the kid with the motor mouth
  11. Well, I consider that a gift. I get to enjoy your company a bit longer.
  12. GG My fascination with Cao Pi got me wrekt on that stage since you get his fourth weapon there
  13. I thought it disappeared from the face of the planet
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