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Everything posted by Sorin

  1. Okay, fair enough. So for Apotheosis I'd need to change those. Probably Lifetaker and Axebreaker (Or AT. Also seems like a good option) for them on her. What should replace Vantage on my Avatar? What about for the other DLC? I remember being told that Apotheosis preparation skillwise is extremely specific.
  2. For a Dark Flier!Cordelia paired with a Spd+ Lck- Dread Fighter!MU, how viable is this setup for endgame and DLC? I'm on Lunatic btw Cordelia- LB, GF, Iote's Shield, Lancefaire, Sol I figure between Sol and Iote's Shield, she shouldn't be in danger too often. Lancefaire is there to make use of her strength mods while as a DF so she can have both forms of attack. Sorin(MU)- LB, Tomefaire, Agg, Vantage, Ignis The only thing I'm not sure of in this set is Vantage. I only put it there to ensure he can survive a bit of tanking in the event he takes too much damage on the enemy phase without messing up his Ignis proc. A sort of last resort for me is to change Cordelia into a Falconknight, but since I already have a Sumia who is stuck to the hip with Chrom acting as my mobile staff user...
  3. Happy Birthday Sumia. Not much more I can give you, considering you're maxed out and such.
  4. If I were running a MaMU(Spd+Lck-)!Severa with a Libra!Sage!Inigo, what class should Severa be to best compliment it?
  5. A stunning display of manly might. You both have proven to the world that a man with a sharp object can overcome anything!!! ...Seriously, nice run though. Zeiss is the OG of FE6
  6. Zeiss is bae. Even though I know almost nothing about FE6
  7. You should like, do a run of FE4 :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DodgeDusk


      Lmao, I said that, then completely forgot to add you two seconds later. I'm a terrible friend D:

    3. Sorin
    4. DodgeDusk


      You're in now, friend!

  8. "Do you remember? What I said that time... There's something I have to tell you. Wait for me."

  9. SHOTA

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sorin


      Eh, life. You?

    3. Draco


      Not much. Homework, homework, chores, and finally, freetime. Such is life.

    4. Sorin


      Haha, same...

  10. Hehe, I remember when Duck used to claim Tate as a waifu. #bias Also, #ripGonzales
  11. True, I was on Skype yesterday and right now
  12. Hello It has been awhile.... ^^; oops Pretty good. Currently mastering Robin in Smash. You? He'll learn
  13. Happy Belated Birthday. Someone's moving up in the world~

    1. Carter


      Thanks! But it still feels like every other year!

  14. "Know that one day this entire land will be mine."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lance Masayoshi

      Lance Masayoshi

      Such brave words. But can you match those words with your actions

    3. Sorin


      I suppose you'll just have to wait and see won't you?

    4. Lance Masayoshi

      Lance Masayoshi

      Men like me live for a challenge. Come at me, if you dare.

  15. *sigh* Nobody'd understand... Not like I understand much of it myself...

  16. prob gonna be like this 4 me. *fades back to class*
  17. School is boring. Someone entertain me for like... 10 min
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