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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    Its Mystical Forest Pixie, Alraune from a IoS/Android game called Puzzle & Dragons. It just got a 3DS game released recently-ish in Japan too that actually has a plot and no lolphonegame restriction silliness.
  2. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    I expected creepy but they're actually pretty cool looking.
  3. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    Yeah, what she said basically. Iunno what else to add.
  4. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    What how I mean sure her outfit is sorta revealing but shes not doing anything lewd Ohh I see. Well its good to have you here, even for a bit! \o/
  5. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    ////asweifjifjoslsdfsfa I don't know how to respond to things like this but thanks!! Thanks! I wanted to do a Alraune theme for quite some time since she's one of my favorite monsters in PAD ..Still want a NA release of the 3DS game announced SHIRLEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyy
  6. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    Sausage biscuits~ I was just slow at getting around to getting anything because my cat was sleeping on me earlier and I always feel bad about moving them unless I really have to get up, ahaha...
  7. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    Oh, hey PK. Its been awhile(if I remember right)
  8. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    I'm okay too! Just a little hungry.
  9. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    I.. I'd rather not offend him. But helloooooooooo how are you?
  10. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    Well its not like I don't know who you are, no? I'm not sure what the issue is unless you're bothered by it somehow, I won't do it again if there is.
  11. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    Hooray, I will burn out and my charred corpse will be put on display.
  12. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    I want more sun here so the snow will melt faster
  13. ..Does Joltik count? Cause they're the only spiders I like. Other than that I'm fine with them as long as they stay away from me.
  14. I always post once and forget to check back why
  15. Speaking of New Leaf, Julian moved in right between my house and the city hall and mentioned how he hopes I don't mind him being so close. I think that unicorn is trying to overthrow me and become the new ruler mayor of my town.
  16. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    Why not all three Just fuse them all together What happens next
  17. Yeah.. I live up in VA and we are completely covered in huge blankets of snow, everyone was urged to get home by around 2:00 pm on the news yesterday and now its snowing AGAIN. Hopefully we won't get any power outages. I hate dealing with snow and possible ice.
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