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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. ..I'm just wondering what I did to deserve being ostracized against and just wanted an answer, it shouldn't be a big deal. ;_; Other than that nothing much.
  2. :c ..Gah why do I gotta be singled out for everything, it makes me feel not liked any.
  3. But but it was a few days ago and after that happened-- Theres no way I'm going to backread a billion pages, I was only a few days behind
  4. Answer my earlier post, or something. ;; Asking about things is hard for me...
  5. I was backreading and I noticed that even though Breezy got annoyed about me saying hi to him with an exclamation mark when Emerald was on he was all "Emerald!" and didn't have a problem with exclamation marks then I'm offended :/
  6. I thought it was funny until people started trying to turn every single thing that happens in the run like Pokemon getting released into some dramatic story for the sake of making it look "deep" and "MY FEELS!!!11" with a bunch of religious allegories and the like slapped on various Pokemon though it seems toned down some in Crystal at least I mean its a group playthrough not some story-building exercise idk man I still read recaps on what happens from time to time but thats about it.
  7. ...I feel like I'm a special case cause it happens everywhere else. Hi Also I keep fucking up and accidently make new posts instead of editing
  8. ...I was told to post here instead of hiding. I am afraid
  9. I clicked because I don't where else to click
  10. One time my swing broke in midair and I ended up flying over the fence, I had a bruised leg and fractured wrist and then a few years later it happened again but I wasn't as high off the ground and I didn't fly far but ended up fracturing my other wrist anyway. Both healed within a few months though-- I don't think I've really had any sort of serious injuries, just painful ones like that and also I couldn't write when it was my left wrist ahahaha..
  11. Thats what I thought.. I had no idea that I read it wrong too until you pointed it out lol
  12. :( Is everything okay? I hope things get better for you soon.
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