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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Waaaay too much Pokemon disscussion. And good luck HK!
  2. I tried getting into it and have like two binders worth of cards from when I was younger but like, I don't think I ever got the hang of the rules or anything to make a deck out of, plus they keep adding new things like xyz summoning making it even more confusing-- Not that I have anyone around to play and learn with, but still. Most of my cards are from older packs as well, from around the original to GX era. Now I just admire the card artwork rather than caring about the actual game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Oh, right Those were challenging as well but I don't remember too much about either it except it was rather long so I was probably struggling a good bit on those too
  4. I remember King Fury being the most troublesome boss for in the game for me, the other ones weren't too bad
  5. Hii posting2hardforme ;_; Doesn't help that the pollen count is ridiculously high either ..Morn-- good night?
  6. Morning' I sneezed too much and my nose got runny wehghf
  7. [Youtube video with a song in it goes here]
  8. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS Symphonia is really great, it might take some getting used to since I'm assuming you haven't played one that doesn't have free-run yet but I love a good chunk of the cast and story and everything, hope you have fun!
  9. Woops, guess I didn't edit it out on time before someone noticed lmao :^)
  10. Wooper is one of my favorites mainly because of its face Quagsire as well
  11. But but I was just playing along-- Aww, thanks Fre ;^; Everytime I hear goon I think of that little bunny foofoo song
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