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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. ..I've only played RF4 But it was really good! Hey Breezy
  2. Nah, wasn't interested :c Its one of those series I go on/off with and only buy a game if it looks like I'll like it enough
  3. Oh hey I'm seeing Harvest Moon Story of Seasons characters in at least two sigs neato
  4. I was looking through the emoticons because I forgot what was there and somehow I mistook this for Klavier Gavin for a second Then I remembered they're all modeled after FE characters
  5. Maybe, and yet nobody else gets called out on it-- whereas I make one comment that was just a throwaway line and which I think is more valid of a complaint and have to be subject to this shit but lol whatever whats new Stuff like that is usually reserved for, forums that actually about that sort of thing though. Its pretty jarring when you see it in other places completely unrelated and all it does is make people who do like the series have to track multiple threads instead of one to keep up with everything And even if it doesn't seem like a big deal now I'm sure it won't stop people from making thread after thread, which is just excessive
  6. Nah I've seen people geniunely irked about HHH, saying they should keep it to the chatroom due to the amount of activity it gets in one day But even then its only like, one thread This isn't serious discussion or anything tho
  7. Apparently none of you have any reading comprehension whatsoever because you're completely ignoring the fact that people have complained about other chat threads like HHH for cluttering despite the fact only one of them exists and yet there are 3 different active Touhou threads and I can't even make a comment that you could have all ignored but flipped out instead because ~MUH WAIFUS~ lol I don't know about you, but Kalas threw a fit on the LTP thread not too long ago despite not posting there in months, all because a couple of people there were making of Touhou fans Sounds like someone's taking it personally if you ask me I don't even care, even if theres not that many of them I'm just saying it would be nice if you all had the basic decency to keep it to all in one thread
  8. I made one throwaway comment and two users felt the need to barge in and defend their ~precious game~ being attacked, people say shit about the HHH and FE4 threads all the time and yet people who like either thread have the decency not to reply to it And dude theres like a 3rd chat thread related to it now over a Pokemon hack But go on, tell me its not cluttering lmao
  9. Maybe not, but I still think its pointless and easier to discuss it all in one single thread rather than making several for people to track and therefore causing clutter And just how is pointing out how redundant something even means I'm mad? I'm not the one who feels the need to jump in threads and make comments whenever someone says somethingly even remotely negative related to a series I like, but ok¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. Because fad threads get knocked off the 1st page fairly quickly after a week and the only two active chat threads are FE4 and HHH which don't have a million knockoffs for things like fanart, "favorite lists" and other redundant shit which could be talked about in the same thread
  11. "Yes we totally need to clutter up a forum over things that could be easily talked about in a general series discussion thread we already have" is all I'm getting out of this um PK pretty much already stated what I was going to say though \o/
  12. Just purge all of the Touhou related threads in fftf instead Do people seriously need to make several threads over a shmup game
  13. This is true I still like it okay but I just get so burnt out on it easily, props to anyone who can actually keep up with every gen I guess
  14. I don't I never like running into that ;o; I would never look up Pokemon art in a place that doesn't have any sort of filter for that kind of shit sobs
  15. Ohh, I mean I wouldn't care if it was or wasn't I just find any sort of romance in Pokemon jarring Don't get me started on the Pokemon themselves I've looked up Glaceon before and I'll run into Glaceon x Leafeon and I'm just like "????????????? ok then"
  16. What was I trying to escape frommmmmmm
  17. Shipping anyone from Pokemon seems weird to me so w/e
  18. Did someone say Magi Kougyoku and Morgiana are amazing ok Though Ja'far, Yamuraiha, and Alibaba are not too far behind in terms of faves I THINK thats it
  19. Log Horizon is on my backlog horizon which is seemingly endless ;_;
  20. I actually think Lulu sounds better than Rollo myself shhh Doesn't help that the name "Rollo" reminds me of an extremely annoying character from Code Geass who killed off one the only characters I liked lmao but that anime was terrible anyways so whatevs
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