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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. This _(:3」∠)_ one? Or was it something else from the past Did you sit there and watch them the whole time in it?
  2. Its just alt symbol that is eggplants, though its hard to tell anyway because of how small the font size is ;_; I can't think of actual member titles worth my salt Yep SPARKLES EVERYWHERE
  3. Yes Its actually rather straining on the eyes in 3D mode if you look at it for too long, ow..
  4. The galactic interior in Tomodachi Life is a bit pricy but it was worth it @__@
  5. I'm pretty sure a lot of things on that list would apply to me
  6. Not in pockets or sofa :c thanks for the suggestions though! But yeah pockets can be evil with that Also the most embarassing thing is when you thought you lost something just to realize you've already had it in your hand, haha..
  7. Hi Glace I'm alright, just misplaced something as usual and now I gotta look around ;_;
  8. Helloooooooooo I don't even know whats happening here anymore
  9. Its alright for trivia and such but other than that I don't like the site or its community much.. And for some reason they act like some character from some goofyass series I liked as a tween is a canon sue and often seem to treat it as fact on various relevant entries rather than opinion all because she's the new protagonist in a sequel of said series that wasn't well recieved when I thought that kind of stuff was suppossed to be confined in ymmv pages so its like what?? A lot of the trope names just sound so dumb and I don't see why anyone would seriously want to use them in a conversation outside the site. ...Also going by what you guys are saying it sounds like the forums were much worse than I thought its a good thing I looked very briefly seriously what the fuck
  10. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    Why Why would you bump it up like that instead of letting it pass on to a better place ;_;
  11. All of the cool kids are doing it Actually I just want to be fed, I'm hungry and its mad distracting
  12. ..What I wanna know is why some guy would go around offering gold rings in the first place. Sure are some odd ones out there.
  13. YEAH.. Natsume is really bad in regards with translation and bugs egh I'd take XSEED anyday It sucks that they're going kinda be competing now, of sorts.. I hope it doesn't hurt Story of Season's sales. I don't really like the artstyle for The Lost Valley nor and hasn't drawn me in at all and I doubt that'll change, but we'll see Hahaha I wanted to go with Pittoo but I'd thought people would mistake it for a spitting noise
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