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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I can't have a valid opinion on Chrono Trigger yet seeing as I haven't played it but I plan to in THE FAR OFF FUTURE yes They look so jellylikeeeeeeeee and squishy, hee hee~ yes <_<
  2. Ahhh alright, great great-- I WILL IMPRESS EVERYONE And thats true, I hope it looks pretty with a lot of relaxing thingsssssssss
  3. I don't really like any other spiders but I am okay with the tiny jumping ones OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH its so precious and teeny and it turns into some strange fuzzball thing, I love it Nighty confirmed for Disney princess
  4. All this book talk reminds me that I NEEDA READ MORE Saying I could ever be cooler than you or Pride is like saying chickens can breathe in space duuude I DUNNO about that but since I'd be shy maybe I can at least /look/ composed as long as theres nothing to make me jumpy ahahahauehuehuehueeheh
  5. I should find something to eat but effortttttttttttttttttt I GUESS MAYBE but they could never replace the originals.. </3 anddd that means I'll stick out even more like a sore thumb!
  6. But but they're all strangers and probably SUPER SERIOUS and I would look like a chump how could you just coldly send me off like that ;_; Naaaaah I was fine I don't remember any pain at all, I wiped it out as fast as possible and it just felt squishy and was somewhat traumatizing because ANIMAL FECES in your eyeball you know???
  7. Uh what can I bring someone because 2muchisolation4me gaaaaaaaaaaah
  8. But my balance is WHACK clearly there are a lot of things I need to strenghten, what a draaaaaaaag
  9. gdi its like these cats want to trip me with the alarming frequency they walk infront of me
  10. Dude I've been meaning to get a scarf for real actually, hahaha But yes that would help push me into totes COOL and MAJESTIC territory
  11. Yesss knowing me though I'd be more likely to be blown off to somewhere then to be able to retreat all cool-ly like
  12. ++++ Damian you post the best things Good, good and yeah I'm still here sometimes but I tend to just come and go ~on a whim~ Hi ZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMs
  13. ey guys yes which is BAD NEWS FOR ME sob sweeeeell and yourself?
  14. I want to get this slurpee out of the fridge and drink it but at the same time I don't wanna freeze my ass off what a dilemma
  15. Yep, alwaaaaaaaaaaays gotta check your surroundings! Even if its one such as myself? ;_;
  16. I don't blame hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Oh good, good-- YEAH OH MY GOD thats what happened to me that one horrible time at the lorikeet exhibit, landed right in my eye.. It didn't hurt and was easy to get out but maaaaaaaaaaan that just felt so gross I still like birds but I've been wary about being beneath them ever since
  17. Lettuce rolling up all in here to bring you swift news, seems like the little guy left after taking a few bites and that is FRIGHTENING oh my goodness they didn't have too much difficulty washing that all off did they? I don't even wanna think about the smell and can you imagine getting that all up in your hair? That sounds so utterly devastating stay away from my precious locks thanks
  18. idk maybe it did after we left, I'll check in a couple of hours or somethin' running into various wild animals out of the blue is always fun for me as long as its harmless and not pooping on me or anything else gross (fucking birds, man)
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