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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. ..T-t-theres fashion in Fantasy Life?! hgggggggggghg I should get it but I still needa start PL vs AA and VLR too..
  2. No its not going off for some reason, it didn't go off yesterday and I slept for a ridiculously long time and missed out on a BUNCHA STUFF.. and then I couldn't sleep when I usually do so now I'm forcing myself to stay up ;~; this is why temporarily freezing time should be a thing Other than that I guess I'm pretty okay!
  3. nngggghgf stupid alarm clock HEYO BUDDYO
  4. I forgot what I was gonna say and then I saw the word sleep mentioned and I'm like ;_;
  5. Its okay Breezy I never have seasonal theme ideas in mind either
  6. Sounds fitting yes ahahah ;_; Its already startin' to feel rather chill here, I don't like it at all because I seem to be veeeeeeeeeery sensitive to the cold but I hope it gets nice and freezy for your sake where you live at least!
  7. idk either but whatever it is it must be IMPORTANTE
  8. Any kind that feels the least motivated and is the most forgetful Nice! It shouldn't be toooo far off depending on where you live
  9. B-b-but Nightmare is a Pisces and he's never led me astray before! But otherwise duly noted
  10. 'Sup chums I feel like I'm turning into a vegetable but at least I'm CONTENT, how goes it in your neck of the woods?
  11. I've only had really like one friend that I go alllllllllllllllll the way back to childhood with because all the others moved away and I lost contact with them and its funny because we both decided that things like crushes and romance were stupid and that we'd never bother ever but then-- ..I dunno about her but I wasn't able to stick by that statement exactly 100% ;_;
  12. S'not like I know where its from dudeeeeeee
  13. Fox spirit sort of thing from Korean folklore iirc Nice pumpkin avvy by the way o:
  14. I used to play Pokemon TCG when I was younger and it was fairly new(up to fossil set, I think) and would play against other kids at a bookstore on the weekends. ..I won a good amount but I'll never know/remember if younger me had somehow managed to make a rad your-ass-is-grass deck and if I was an actual smart player or if I just played against others who were even more abysmally terrible at strategic thinking then I am nor do I remember the contents of said deck. AND then I ended up losing a bunch of cards because kid-me was terrible at tidying up and keeping track of things and got bored of playing anyways I still have a bunch of YGO cards but I have never played the games nor have I ever made a deck, I don't think I could ever get into TCGs ever again like those at least due to the constantly changing metagame and rules being a hassle to keep up with
  15. Ah fuck it, monsieur Rabbguy I request that you do your evaluation thing you do on my ~personage~
  16. Not really no, but I think it depends on the personnnn I just just use an avatar of whatever character I feel like using at the time, if I share any sort of characteristics with them I wouldn't know unless someone pointed it out tbh
  17. You know what should really stay? Nice and mild tempuratures ;_;
  18. lol it does but its a good thing in this case!! And yer welcome Well even when I have time I'm kinda bad at it but making progress! :D what who
  19. Do not despair my friend-o there will always be an end Ahaha, and thank you! I've been meanin' to post more when I can still bbbbbbbb And slow eh, but excellent!
  20. ahahauehe I feel quite well, and yourself?
  21. oh my goodness I thought I was on invisible and didn't see much going on beforehand I'M SORRY but yes hello
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