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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. SKREEEEEEEEEEEEE yes that is what I feel like doing ogmmg I BELIEVE IN YOU ASCEND INTO THE PANTHEON OF MESS DETESTERS with your might
  2. >_> I-Its just a knee-jerk reaction! but cool
  3. AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT teehee are you trying to reach godliness
  4. Checked here for new posts and WHAT THE HELL WHERE DID PRIDE COME FROM oh well
  5. I appreciate it, I do it for you all! ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ Oh wow, you go the extra mile in neatness than I
  6. ;u; I like how we prolly cluttered most of the page with bickering but like FRIENDLY bickering at my expense as per usual And thats an interesting way to look at it, I KNOW THAT FEEL theres a reason I don't eat things like cheetos or doritos or the like all that often, what I usually do is eat them alone so I can just hold the bag to my mouth and not have to worry about my fingers at all! ..But it makes one look really, really stupid
  7. UM er, It was your tone! I mean, er-- S'NOT like you can really can read a inflection from text though.. and why do these cheetos taste stale why am I even eating cheetos anyway
  8. ;_; HEY everybody makes mistakes when'd you get so meeean
  9. You're just-- ,,a wordy!! YEAH Eeeeven so, I would imagine I am THE MOST gtacious word
  10. YOU KNOW IT MAN good taste Oh, thats rough-- though as far as I know from what I see on Serebii only Kyogre/Groudon and Seviper/Zangoose are confirmed as version exclusives? Maybe you'll get lucky and there'll be another method this time OR you could get both copies OR hope you can find someone to trade with maybe
  11. Just do what I do and pick whatever you think has the most rad as fuck cover legendary
  12. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gla%C3%A7on its a word
  13. /hug Thanks man Gooood, not too much going on but I might go to the movies tomorrow \o/ How're you?
  14. hello brethren and sistren no not really I just wanted to join in the tradition of capriciously posting song lyrics ;_;
  15. we took a backroad we're gonna look at the stars
  16. Do you grant wishes if set free
  17. YEAH BTU I don't actually think its fun at all I'm terrible at wording things I feel like an ass YOU'RE WELCOME
  18. What nooooooo I was saying thats fun in an ironic sort of tone, and I meant like sorting out that lag
  19. Sounds fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun And nice, hope you can find a way with getting that sorted out
  20. Not much just ascending to a higher plane of chillness hbu
  21. I remember the Y2K scare and the fact I was obsessed with Pokemon thats mostly it
  22. Tontonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn " The first contestant to correctly answer all 15 questions and win the top prize of $1,000,000 was John Carpenter, on the episode aired November 19, 1999" okay according to Wikipedia I was off by a year
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