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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I agree these are the best kind of nerds though
  2. All is forgiven good friend ow what was that for
  3. W-wait what no hey man don't word it like that-- but yes except in a non-violent situation and no dying
  4. I do it out of friendship And right infront of his face too so its more like FRONTstabbing y'see
  5. I don't recall ever saying I was on Pride's side! ..Well okay yeah I would likely be but backstabbing wee Have you been keeping tabs I wanted to let you know that that is rough man and you have my sympathies and shoulder to cry on that said you're still a nerd regardless
  6. Ein bring up the time where he pre-ordered a game for some poster of a character or some shit /forgot the details
  7. I haven't been led astray yet, I can vouch for that \o/
  8. w-wait what WHAT DID YOU DO why I am practically a chewtoy when it comes to Puraido anyway so ;_;
  9. well MAYBE Oh wait you know what YOU ARE RIGHT shit I lost my way for a sec, can you forgive me ;_;
  10. Guys guys you have some lovely taste in dresses I'd love to wear those but knowing my appearance I'd PROLLY be unable to pull it off and just look childish ;_;
  11. also I am stealing your member title suck it
  12. B) You're the nerb around 'ere but GOOD
  13. Is that so WELL seeing as I am in a good mood today I will quickly make a run for that ~just for you~ http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=45999623 this is like the only Maki one of theirs I can find though they also made an alternative version where they just shoved Maki and Nico together as seen here http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=46006289
  14. SHADDUP you you big dinghead but yes Maki is pretty top tier though yes maybe I'll use her as a theme one day But but Kotoriiiiiiiiiii It is you my fEIN friend
  15. shit I'm late to the party in regards to checking the OP post gotta say I am LOVING the renovating
  16. I like this title change its more lively
  17. Did you tell 'em to knock it off Ein
  18. Would probably be for the best, do give it a decent rest and keep an eye on it alrighty Oh yes, but it feels all that much more rewarding once when done-- I feel the need to try everything at least /once/ anyway where
  19. WELL lucky you it looks like you caught me in the nick of time so fear not, I really should be heading off though Seeya and you have a good day!
  20. Ahh alright, sounds lame I can see how that would cause some strain gogogogoooooooo~! Should be fun, its the completionist waaaaaaaay
  21. Huh wha will it be okay if you rest it afterwards? But yesyes the sooner you can get those ranks the better, good luck I was just working on ranking up lives beneficial towards hunter, but now I'm really getting into it and I think I will immediately rank up all the other jobs until I hit a roadblock like needed items being in another area and then progress the story until I get to the relevant area and then rinse, repeat whoop
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