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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Yeah thats fair enough I'd say, I'm just being impatientttttttt wha why If I recall right it kinda sorta had this rancid tangyness if you're curious
  2. Too bad they're not around and likely not trainable to put a saddle and ride on Imagine the possibilities, man
  3. A damn shame if you ask me but what can you do Yeah probably I don't know what seasoning it was but I don't want it on anything I eat ever again
  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaAAA yes probably tailor/woodcutter to upgrade my equips first ...I might just be a weeeeeee bit picky eheheheh Also my first experience with rice was unpleasant too but maybe it was seasoned with something that tasted most vile to me but it looked plain?? I don't remember I was in daycare then
  5. oh er >_> I guess its good I don't know anyone like that then ahaauhhahaha hauskz;lsd;d;fgjfzyxzyl
  6. phew ;_; Yeah, that sounds like a major drag but keep on resting those! Oh wow what, so much to do at once but I'm tempted MUST GO IN UNDETTERED What if you don't know if you can cook rice or not because you think rice tastes gross
  7. It has been spoken I-I don't wanna pick sides so I'll um, wish you both luck or something Nah as much as I enjoyed gen 3 I'm gonna have to opt out on ORAS B/W managed to temporarily rekindle my spark for the games but has then since died again whether I'll pick up another title ever or not is anyone's guess As for FL I progressed through the story s'more, unlocked access to Al Maajik and hit expert on hunter so now I'm gonna work on my crafting classes since I'm behind on those IIRC and should be further along enough to rank up like once or twice possibly
  8. Shirley's like an unstoppable force of nature Thank you my good man
  9. The hoarding power is too real I want chicken tooooooo
  10. If you wanna test me, I'm sure you'll find I forgot the lyrics idek
  11. Yeah I missed out too once I realized what was going on ;_;
  12. But consider this Ein wnat if you had claw hands
  13. Happy baaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhfffffffffffday dude

    1. Emeraldfox


      Thanks, oh, I like how LoveLive the Game gave us a heart rock, it's like they knew

    2. Fleece



      Now that you've probably either unlocked it or heard it a buncha times VIA the last score match, tell me if you agree that Shiranai*Love*Oshite*Love or however you spell it is the raddest shit

      Wally's unique VS theme as well once you get to hear it MAN THAT IS SOME GOOD STUFF right there

      his regular encounter theme is pretty great too though(yes I listened to some of the ORAS tracks despite not wanting the game because Wally though I rly like Zinnia's batt...

    3. Fleece


      lte theme as well

      (wow thanks for cutting me off character limit you suck)

  14. I thought Sticks was Marine too, if only because I never played the games was actually in and can only vaguely remember her character design
  15. oh R.I.P 4th voice I woulda never bothered to listen to anyway shame they never fixed that eh
  16. ..What, why do that when you can just change the voice settings in the english version? uhuhuhueu _(•̀ω•́ 」∠)_ ₎₎
  17. Naptime is anytime unless priorities are in the way \0/
  18. So THATS where that quote comes from thanks for inadvertently laying that mystery for me to rest
  19. 1. Flying or sailing? 2. Favorite background noise? 3. What is your preferred way of cooking an egg? 4. Have a favorite pattern? 5. Do you only pack whats essential/what you want the most when travelling or do you pack excessively?
  20. I don't really like dogs tbh most of them smell bad and bathing them only makes it worse though like if you have one thats chill/not hyperactive and doesn't try to lick you and also doesn't smell chances are we'll be cool Koromaru A+++++ though
  21. Emotes, there are emotes everywhere fuck kbye ;_;
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