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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I'm only 5'3 and I wish I was a little taller at least ;_;
  2. I love scarves I can't believe I don't own a single pair yet what have I been doing
  3. nominatinginging pklucas531 and Hezul/Tonton
  4. Nominating PKLucas531 and Tonton/Hezul again because why not
  5. I'm from the U.S. and my geographical skills are downright laughable so I got that part down pat every other applicable stereotype either doesn't fit me or does fit me but I've never heard of it before so I couldn't mention it at this time
  6. I shall nominate Tonton/Hezul aaaaand PKLucas531
  7. 13 I thought there were more greens around than this B(
  8. 1. What is your favorite cold food product? 2. Where is your preferred place of sitting at movie theaters? 3. Windy or rainy? 4. If you had to hang up and frame an artwork(can be your own if you do art or someone else's) of your choosing for everyone to see, what would you choose? 5. Whats the best celebratory/victory quote you've heard in anything ever?
  9. o: Not too much longer now and Ein is now a storage system
  10. Don't get blue in the face now
  11. HELL YEAH you understand me thanks for being super cool
  12. Gehehe good thing I've ended up with green then saves me the trouble of having to post in the other thread /lazy
  13. Emerald Emerald you must see this also it is most important https://twitter.com/SEGA_OFFICIAL/status/539330825393692672 apparently Sega had some best Love Live! girl popularity contest and Rin won
  14. ay'm nominating Jprebs/Sophie and Hezul/Tonton
  15. I think Teddiursa would be more fitting for Honkers because they're both primarly orange and love to stuff their faces in with food(though in Teddiursa's case its just honey. w/e still counts) also the fact that Umi is Wailord made me chuckle a bit idk why
  16. It was what they served that was gross we've already been through this!! D: : Though a recent conversation with a friend reminded me that this sushi I ate at a friend's house once was the one that usually comes to mind when people think sushi so it was wrapped in rice and I don't really recall tasting it It was ok but I still didn't care for it but ate it without a second thought anyway because I didn't want to be disrespectful short story short my hindsight and memory is downright assballs l o l
  17. 1. Have you ever made a fashion choice in the past that you regretted? 2. If you could personally witness any sort of event in any location and/or time period you wanted, what would it be? 3. How does it feel to be graced with the prescence of yours truly? B) 4. Out of all of the Metal Gears(the actual ones, not the series itself) or any mechs in the series related to them, which do you like best? 5. What is something you'd recommend anyone try doing at least once?
  18. Anything you wish you could forget learning about basically maybe What what is happening
  19. lol@J Ehh nah not really, just reading miscellanous things like Wikipedia articles for today \0/
  20. Neat, neat mine was pretty mundane too but pleasant enough
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