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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Rune Factory 4 was pretty fun for a while at least, never bothered with the other entries maybe I should start a girl file one day zzzzzzzzz
  2. I knew it was coming out this month but it slipped temorarily as to when ;_; PLvsAA is coming out soonish too if I remember right, but I don't think I can get it right away weh
  3. Oh shit I forgot that my pops pre-ordered Xillia 2 as a birthday gift for me lmao Hopefully it'll come soon \o/
  4. Hungry but otherwise just sweeeeeell, and yourself? And oh hey more people, hiiiiii
  5. Anytime man guess I picked a good time to pass through
  6. What sort of intense internal struggle you fightin' there
  7. Happy birthday Sasks!!

    1. James Bond

      James Bond

      Thank you Letty!

  8. Oh, lol-- I think I was thinking it was from P3(I think Aigis says something like it as a battle quote?) but it was defintely NOT phrased like that H-heheheh, well GOLLY, horf.. Great, great also night No problem! And I guess that depends what you'd consider "someone who games", my repertoire in played games isn't exactly huge and I also have the problem of putting off games for months.. And theres a boatload of titles I haven't played yet either because I haven't gotten around to it yet or I'm just not interested enough Hi Frost
  9. Ohohoho, I understand that all too well @_@ I think knowing that this summer is rapidly coming to a close is making me all maudlin as well because reasons Oogh, that quote is familiar but I can't remember for the life of me You know it, dood That makes sense too, I mean theres always room for even more experiences to enjoy, though its fleeting ;_; I'd like to relive some things, myself
  10. Ahaha, its nice no? :'D Mmm yeah I get that, haven't had it happen for awhile but theres just something so wonderous about picking up an older game you haven't played in years at least HOOOOORAY I sure am feeling boisterous despite my fall YEAH man I should I should make it a goal to come out of my shell when I have freetime Its been great
  11. No idea really, I've been in some sort of oddly nostalgic mood and thinking about times with friends at the moment Well if you say you are then okaaaay And yes that is true so yes pushing is fien haha thats why I'm posting right now in this crazyass late hour oop
  12. G'night Ahh thats cool, I will take your word for it Yes bow to me wait no thats too pushy I WILL JUST bow instead yes Hi Sol
  13. Is it that compelling? Are you allowed to share it or Yes gooflord who may or may not be a gigantic weenie while we're at it
  14. no problem and nothin' I just can't sleep lmaoooo
  15. o oh wow!!!!! THANKS FRIENS you're all p great
  16. I enjoy being a butt and calling out people on being butts Tonton gets it
  17. I don't know really, haha its just that I can't find a name I'm content with yet I've yet to see anything proving otherwise SO I will take your word for it
  18. This is my end goal yes how did you know
  19. Not much, I might get ice cream later P: And you? Maaaaaybe
  20. Breezyyy yoooooooOO sry dude I still have a ways to go in not lurking
  21. I used to find Severa grating because I can't stand overly bratty tsun types and how she treats her mom but then I went through several of her supports + read her DLC convos and was all "aww no ;_;" and found her much more sympathetic after and now I'm Severa loving garbage Still too not crazy about how she acts around Cordelia at times though but other than that shes one of my favs
  22. Peanut butter from either Reeses' cups or just plain out of the jar man also my mom swears that peanut butter is just so amazingngngngng with graham crackers can anyone confirm
  23. Mischief Makers, Space Station Silicon Valley, Pokemon Puzzle League, or Harvest Moon 64 for N64 Both Jumping Flash games for the PS1(there was a 3rd but it never made it stateside, dunno if you can find it in emu form or not) Tales of Symphonia for GC I know like more than that but my heads kinda foggy at the moment I'll add more later idk
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