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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Hi and yay someone replied with the right timing
  2. Oh woops I completely forgot about asking questions in any of the threads while it was still going on oh well I've yet to find anyone else that likes the Tears for Fears version, the Gary Jules version just sounds so boooooooring to me and thats the version everyone seems to know and cover and I feel like like the original version fits the "mad" part better with the beat being more fast paced and peppy but the lyrics are unfitting which gives off an uneasiness vibe and yeah idk man my opinions are probably weird sorry ;_;
  3. Hi ??? Uhh I'm sorry I have no idea what it actually is thats just what came to mind
  4. Nothing major but like the other day I bought one of those trading figure type boxes for Persona 4 and I got Rise, which is what I wanted the most It was great
  5. ..Not entirely sure, but melancholic sounds the most fitting going by the chart alone.
  6. What no don't burn ;_; I've actually gotten burn marks on my stomach from my old dying laptop(hooray for coconut oil at least).. Nowadays I just wear a cover over me for protection
  7. Oh hey \0/ My faves are like-- P1: Eriko and Yukino P2: Eikichi for males and Lisa for females P3: Yukari and Mitsuru for females and Akihiko for males P4: Kanji for males and Rise for females
  8. ..Ah yeah pretty much what everyone else said Also good luck on your interview!
  9. I can't rank which one is the best but yeah Josuke is one of my favs hooray
  10. Luca along with Spada and Iria in my sig from Tales of Innocence \0/
  11. I find Touhous pretty lame myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. Nah man, I'm wittier and make better topics This Emerald guy sounds like a total chump
  13. One pillow that I also rest my arms on, I'm on my side or stomach and I tend to toss around a lot agh
  14. I pronounce gif as "jif" and think it sounds better that way I got tonnes more but I don't feel like typing anything else
  15. Theres like several Jojos Anyway the manga is up to eight parts with the current part ongoing, its pretty long but compared to other long running series all of those "parts" I mentioned are seperate with an ending and with the next part starring a new character, so its like reading through a novel in a way which is pretty refreshing Theres also an anime going on with parts 1-2 finished, and part 3 is currently airing-- I haven't gotten around to watching any of them yet but I've heard good things regarding the animation/music as well as the faithfulness to the manga, so yeah
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