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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    Read the title name you dingus
  2. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    I'd like to help ZM, but I usually have jackshit to say and generally bad at giving any advice, I don't mean to offend. The best I can really do is listen. I am wishing you the best of luck and I hope your situation gets better regardless. Also Scarlet has a point, posting anything serious in fftf usually doesn't help much.
  3. Oh right. But then who a-- actually nvm constantly asking who people are would probably get old quick
  4. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    Laughter is always good!
  5. Jude Mathis 46 Alvin 2 Leia Rolando 29 Gaius 47
  6. Jude Mathis 45 Alvin 3 Leia Rolando 30 Gaius 46
  7. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    I know and I wasn't congratulating anything in particular, but I couldn't think of anything else to say and just wanted to keep the trend of posting only a few words at a time since it seemed like everyone else was doing it. _(:3」∠)_
  8. Jude Mathis 47 Alvin 4 Leia Rolando 30 Gaius 47
  9. I want praise and bacon \o/

  10. Jude Mathis 48 Alvin 4 Leia Rolando 30 Gaius 48
  11. Jude Mathis 48 Alvin 5 Leia Rolando 37 Gaius 48
  12. Jude Mathis 48 Alvin 6 Leia Rolando 37 Gaius 47
  13. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    But I want real meat ;_; IS THAT PUDDINGCESS IN YOUR AVATAR omg and Shirley come back to me or at least take me with you ilu
  14. Jude Mathis 47 Alvin 9 Leia Rolando 38 Gaius 48
  15. Breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy morning
  16. Fleece

    Posting thread.

    ..? :c I want chicken nuggets.
  17. Jude Mathis 47 Alvin 10 Leia Rolando 38 Gaius 49
  18. Jude Mathis 49 Alvin 10 Leia Rolando 45 Gaius 48
  19. Yeeeeeeeeep.. At least theres other games to help pass the time. Would still like to know when in the hell PWvsAA is getting a NA release date also
  20. Hooooooray I love Lulu/Rollo/w/e you wanna call him even though I can't play the game he's in yet Thanks for being rad
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