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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I just want the booty (as in treasure DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT PEOPLE GEEZ)
  2. Too bad I changed names cause then I'd have an excuse to say something and ask Poly why I'm cereal But yeah ZM I don't think you should leave, its easier to just avoid threads when they invite wank.
  3. Jude Mathis 50 Milla Maxwell 48 Alvin 47 Leia Rolando 50 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J. IIbert 27 Gaius 50 Ludger Will Kresnik 50 Julius Will Kresnik 21 Elle Mel Marta 25 ...idk anything about Julius since I can't play Xillia 2 until the english release but oh well
  4. Lloyd Irving 26 Colette Brunel 28 Genis Sage 35 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Aurion 50 Zelos Wilder 47 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 50 Sheena Fujibayashi 26 Emil Castagnier 24 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 21 Martel Yggdrasill 26 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Hawk 20 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25
  5. Bored and groggy AKA nothing really new but otherwise fine, you?
  6. Morning to you too Breezy~ I wanna make a guy file in Awakening for curiousity's sake but I have other games I need to finish, bah.
  7. Lloyd Irving 26 Colette Brunel 28 Genis Sage 35 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Aurion 50 Zelos Wilder 46 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 50 Sheena Fujibayashi 26 Emil Castagnier 24 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 21 Martel Yggdrasill 26 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Hawk 23 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25
  8. Went with Mercedes http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=180343 Choose either White Magician Pikeru, Madolche Puddingcess, or Madolche Chouxvalier from Yu-Gi-Oh
  9. Lloyd Irving 26 Colette Brunel 28 Genis Sage 35 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Aurion 50 Zelos Wilder 43 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 50 Sheena Fujibayashi 26 Emil Castagnier 24 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 23 Martel Yggdrasill 26 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Hawk 25 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25 Forcystus 3
  10. Jude Mathis 49 Milla Maxwell 47 Alvin 45 Leia Rolando 50 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J. IIbert 27 Gaius 50 Muzet 10 Ludger Will Kresnik 50 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25
  11. I'm fine with SBaHJ but I don't see how its related seeing as its a webcomic "created" by a character in Homestuck made to be intentionally bad, I was referring to shirts with things relating to "le me go derp trollface COME AT ME BRO TROLOLOL XD" and any other nonsense associated with it.
  12. What what how is Emerald reading this topic if he doesn't have internet-- ..nvm it went away orz Also hi
  13. Certain noises like people cracking their knuckles, people who pick at scabs and the like(pleasepleasePLEASE don't do this around me its so gross), being around people with severe foot-in-mouth problems where they actually say something extremely foolish or ignorant and everything gets so awkward that you want to leave, remembering embarassing things I did when I was younger, seeing bronies or people wearing "meme" shirts uhh yeah theres probably more but those were the first things that came to my head SO
  14. Lloyd Irving 26 Colette Brunel 28 Genis Sage 35 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Aurion 50 Zelos Wilder 43 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 50 Sheena Fujibayashi 26 Emil Castagnier 24 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 25 Martel Yggdrasill 26 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Hawk 25 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25 Forcystus 5
  15. Jude Mathis 49 Milla Maxwell 46 Alvin 45 Leia Rolando 50 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J. IIbert 27 Gaius 50 Muzet 17 Ludger Will Kresnik 50 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25
  16. Oh yeah true enough AND I'm pretty sure I had something else to say but as usual I end up forgetting--
  17. Jude Mathis 46 Milla Maxwell 46 Alvin 43 Leia Rolando 50 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J. IIbert 27 Gaius 50 Muzet 25 Ludger Will Kresnik 50 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25 Presa 1
  18. Lloyd Irving 26 Colette Brunel 28 Genis Sage 35 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Aurion 50 Zelos Wilder 40 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 50 Sheena Fujibayashi 26 Emil Castagnier 24 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 25 Martel Yggdrasill 26 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Hawk 25 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25 Forcystus 10
  19. Lloyd Irving 26 Colette Brunel 27 Genis Sage 35 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Aurion 50 Zelos Wilder 37 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 50 Sheena Fujibayashi 26 Emil Castagnier 24 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 25 Martel Yggdrasill 26 Yuan Ka-Fai 3 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Hawk 25 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25 Forcystus 17
  20. Jude Mathis 43 Milla Maxwell 44 Alvin 41 Leia Rolando 50 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J. IIbert 27 Nachtigal 0 Gaius 50 Muzet 25 Ludger Will Kresnik 50 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25 Presa 18
  21. Lloyd Irving 26 Colette Brunel 27 Genis Sage 35 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Aurion 50 Zelos Wilder 34 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 50 Sheena Fujibayashi 26 Emil Castagnier 24 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 25 Martel Yggdrasill 26 Yuan Ka-Fai 10 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Hawk 25 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25 Forcystus 19
  22. Jude Mathis 39 Milla Maxwell 41 Alvin 38 Leia Rolando 50 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J. IIbert 27 Nachtigal 13 Gaius 50 Muzet 25 Ludger Will Kresnik 50 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25 Presa 21
  23. No, too much effort. And I'm so picky and slow when it comes to picking avatars and the like by the time I've already found something that fits the theme It'd probably be too late.
  24. Jude Mathis 39 Milla Maxwell 41 Alvin 37 Leia Rolando 50 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J. IIbert 27 Nachtigal 18 Gaius 50 Muzet 25 Ludger Will Kresnik 50 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25 Presa 21
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