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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. ALWAYS headphones because I could never tolerate having things jammed in my ears.
  2. whooooahhhaooooh

  3. Morningugu Huh, the usernames look all Christmas-y. Also arghh I wish I had know that snowballs in New Leaf stop spawning after making a snowman.. Now I have to wait another day before getting a dung beetle.
  4. Soo did anyone else check out Miiverse after it was added on their 3DSes?(unless you already had it from having a Wii U, then nevermind) Its neat, but drawing is a pain due to the gratingly small canvas and posts tend to go by in the popular communities really fast. They really should add a community for Awakening
  5. ): I WOULD but Its not airing anywhere near me and I don't think I could stand the camrip.. But I read a summary on it because I was curious oops. Also SAYAKA BREAKDANCING. That is all. And yeah, Homura is just awfulllll. Though I didn't like her in the original series either anyway so
  6. So does everyone else, get in line. I mean you too
  7. Because I'm not here and people miss me.
  8. Original text: "RULES OF NATURE! " ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "Team spirit" oh
  9. Why do I even bother posting anywhere pffffffft

  10. :l Theres thunder outside and its irritatingly loud In all honesty I don't know what to post here anymore tho
  11. No, its the worst holiday for me. Having to drive out in horribly freezing weather just to spend time with relatives that you aren't particularly close to and the atmosphere is always awkward, not to mention I get full easily so I feel no joy or excitement towards the lots of food to eat part either. If we have to have it here I wish we could have at least had it on the same date as Canada so we could just get it over and done with sooner and it wouldn't be as cold.
  12. I only know how to do generic greetings so hi....
  13. I'm freezingngn

  14. My Noire is blonde, which is alright I guess. I like her with black hair a lot too.
  15. Shiida: 36 Palla: 30 Catria: 30 Clair: 30 Ferry: 30 Fee: 31 Femina: 8 Karin: 30 Misha: 30 Shanna: 31 Thite: 34 Florina: 29 Fiora: 29 Farina: 30 Vanessa: 31 Tana: 31 Syrene: 30 Marcia: 30 Tanith: 30 Sigrun: 19 Elincia: 30 Sumia: 8 Cordelia: 32
  16. Luke 100 Asch 93 Guy 60 Tear 100 Anise 1 Ion 58 Dist 56 Mieu 96
  17. Luke 100 Asch 91 Guy 60 Tear 100 Anise 3 Ion 57 Dist 55 Largo 4 Mieu 96
  18. Luke 100 Asch 87 Guy 60 Tear 100 Anise 8 Ion 56 Dist 55 Largo 16 Mieu 96
  19. Luke 100 Asch 85 Guy 60 Tear 100 Anise 9 Ion 56 Dist 54 Largo 18 Mieu 96
  20. Luke 100 Asch 83 Guy 59 Tear 100 Anise 14 Ion 56 Dist 53 Largo 24 Mieu 97
  21. Luke 100 Asch 81 Guy 58 Tear 100 Anise 15 Ion 56 Dist 53 Largo 27 Mieu 96
  22. Luke 100 Asch 79 Guy 58 Tear 100 Anise 22 Ion 55 Dist 53 Largo 33 Mieu 92
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