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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Luke 69 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 80 Jade 59 Anise 47 Natalia 58 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 19 Sync 44 Mieu 53 Mohs 4
  2. Luke 69 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 80 Jade 61 Anise 47 Natalia 60 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 19 Sync 44 Mieu 53 Mohs 4
  3. Luke 69 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 80 Jade 62 Anise 47 Natalia 59 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 20 Sync 44 Mieu 52 Mohs 4
  4. Luke 67 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 79 Jade 60 Anise 47 Natalia 59 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 24 Sync 44 Mieu 50 Mohs 9
  5. Luke 67 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 78 Jade 61 Anise 47 Natalia 60 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 25 Sync 44 Mieu 50 Mohs 9
  6. I WISH I was an only child, I have an older brother in his late 20s whos either being a deadweight and mooching off of us or living with someone else until the relationship goes sour just to come crawling back and my parents will ALWAYS accept him back no matter what which disgusts me and I want him out of our lives completely. Not to mention he treated me horribly as a child and got me in trouble for things I didn't do when I was already being bullied in school anyways meaning I was never safe and everything was shit no matter where I was. Though sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to have a sister instead, perferably one closer to my age. I mean sure I'd imagine being an only child could get lonely at times but I can't really relate since I'm usually lonely and left out anyway plus I perfer friends because you can actually CHOOSE them, when it comes to having someone terrible in your family you're pretty much screwed until you can get out on your own.
  7. Morning. I did a lot of things in Rune Factory 4 but now I'm wrapped up in Dual Destinies so I don't really know what to post. ............Meh.
  8. Luke 67 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 77 Jade 62 Anise 47 Natalia 61 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 26 Sync 44 Mieu 50 Mohs 9
  9. Luke 66 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 77 Jade 64 Anise 47 Natalia 61 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 26 Sync 44 Mieu 50 Mohs 10
  10. Luke 65 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 73 Jade 63 Anise 47 Natalia 63 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 32 Sync 44 Mieu 50 Mohs 12
  11. Luke 65 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 72 Jade 64 Anise 47 Natalia 64 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 35 Sync 44 Mieu 50 Mohs 12
  12. Luke 63 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 72 Jade 65 Anise 47 Natalia 65 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 35 Sync 44 Mieu 50 Mohs 14
  13. Thats not good. :c But I hope it went okay!!!!
  14. Luke 61 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 69 Jade 64 Anise 47 Natalia 64 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 38 Sync 45 Mieu 50 Mohs 19
  15. Luke 59 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 67 Jade 63 Anise 47 Natalia 64 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 42 Arietta 39 Sync 46 Mieu 50 Mohs 22
  16. Morninggghrgggggggghr [spoiler=Inane adventures in Rune Factory 4 log, part 1]I think I've finally memorized the layout of the city, I've already cleared the first dungeon leading to Amber taking residence in the city. Adding to that, after trekking around in the water ruins I run into.. A gothic unicorn that shoots thunder. Yeah. He turns out to be Dylas yet adding another member. I haven't been fully committed in farming yet meaning I've only been growing crops from any seeds I find in fields/dungeons. No monster barn yet either as I've been putting most of my prince points into expanding space for my rucksack/storage/fridge like the packrat I am. I've been doing my best to improve my skills on cooking/forging/crafting because the access to more things sooner the better. Oh yeah, there was a bean throwing contest too and I came in second. That's something I guess. Nutmeg continues to embarass himself by trying to ask out non-dateable NPCs, including a married woman.
  17. Ahhh sorry I thought you meant in the OP that you couldn't heal anyone for 2+ I need better comprehension skills gdi Luke 58 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 63 Jade 60 Anise 47 Natalia 61 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 43 Arietta 43 Sync 47 Mieu 50 Mohs 27
  18. Luke 57 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 62 Jade 58 Anise 46 Natalia 61 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 43 Arietta 44 Sync 47 Mieu 50 Mohs 28
  19. Luke 55 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 62 Jade 58 Anise 48 Natalia 59 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 43 Arietta 45 Sync 47 Mieu 50 Mohs 30
  20. Luke 54 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 59 Jade 55 Anise 48 Natalia 57 Van 45 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 44 Arietta 47 Sync 49 Mieu 50 Mohs 35
  21. Ahh I see, and yeah her name got localized. They mean the same thing except in a different language and I like both versions anyway so I don't really mind. I like the fact you can go around and confess your love to all the pretty much all the NPCs as well. It amuses me.
  22. Goodmorning~ I haven't decided yet myself. I like Margaret and Xiao Pai, but I want to see what Amber is like first before coming to any decision. And nope, I'm not really good at naming things so I just go with whatever amuses me or sounds neat at the time.
  23. Weell, since I'll be interacting with everyone on my male character anyway maybe I'll end up liking one of the guys enough to marry whenever I decide to make a girl file. I can't take Dylas or the other guy with the animal ears seriously because of their designs and the others are just "eh". I guess I could go with Kiel if he's likeable enough. Just met Clorica and Vishnal, now I gotta name my farm. (ETA: I named it Boatload)
  24. Luke 53 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 55 Jade 55 Anise 48 Natalia 56 Van 46 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 46 Arietta 47 Sync 49 Mieu 50 Mohs 39
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