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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Morningggggggggggggg I started playing Rune Factory 4, I wanted to be the female protag because I perfer playing characters that match my gender as well as liking her hair but then I noticed none of the male candidates seem all that appealing(I seem to be pickier with guys than girls for some reason) so alas, I ended up going with male. I named our amnesia ridden hero Nutmeg and seeing how this is my first Rune Factory game I don't really what I'm doing, lets hope it has good tutorials. I might post my progress as I go along, who knows.
  2. Luke 52 Asch 51 Guy 50 Tear 55 Jade 56 Anise 48 Natalia 55 Van 46 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 46 Arietta 47 Sync 49 Mieu 50 Mohs 41
  3. Chrom 86 Marth 180 Lyn 12 Hector 20 Ike 75 Ephraim 157
  4. I like it as well. Luke 51 Asch 50 Guy 50 Tear 51 Jade 51 Anise 48 Natalia 51 Van 50 Ion 50 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 50 Arietta 49 Sync 50 Mieu 50 Mohs 48
  5. Bulbasaur - 51 Squirtle - 54 Totodile - 51 Cyndaquil - 47 Treecko -61 Mudkip - 56 Torchic - 56 Turtwig - 55 Piplup - 52 Chimchar - 41 Snivy - 20 Oshawott - 51 Chespin - 59 Froakie - 54 Fennekin - 41
  6. Chrom 86 Marth 180 Lyn 16 Hector 24 Ike 78 Lucina 6 Ephraim 151
  7. Oh, um, sorry? I guess? Its not what you think? Someone help Something heroic related, I presume. ..I keep zoning out and I'm pretty sure I didn't get enough sleep so I'm just gonna nap for a bit. Later.
  8. Oh I guess we need a fourth member now to avoid any hackneyed fan-theories of me harboring jealousy. Any takers?
  9. Well, you can be like a partner as in THE partner/love interest and I'm just the 3rd one thats kinda there for moral support or something.
  10. Surely you gest that was terrible I'm sorry
  11. Bulbasaur - 51 Squirtle - 53 Totodile - 51 Cyndaquil - 46 Treecko -61 Mudkip - 58 Torchic - 55 Turtwig - 54 Piplup - 52 Chimchar - 43 Snivy - 20 Oshawott - 52 Chespin - 64 Froakie - 54 Fennekin - 41
  12. I wish I had known there was a bunch of guests lurking here earlier, I would've joined in just to add another mysterious person.
  13. Chrom 88 Marth 180 Lyn 11 Hector 34 Ike 90 Lucina 21 Ephraim 146
  14. Oh hey, its been awhile since I've seen Mortar(thats his name right?)
  15. Helloooo~ You're welcome. And its Utsutsu from Gatchaman CROWDS
  16. But but its quiet right now anyway and nothings going on here to warrant getting this thread locked. Plus I want to post here more but 90% of the time its usually conversations I have nothing to contribute or can't really jump into. ): I mean it when I say I want to post more.
  17. Well, sure. Its not like I have anything else to do.
  18. Well I don't know that Do I even wanna know anything
  19. Yessir I'm not even sure what I want to eat though, I guess cheese.
  20. Chrom 93 Marth 180 Lyn 13 Hector 41 Ike 93 Lucina 27 Ephraim 140
  21. Acacia said hi so I responded, I was gonna think of something else to say but forgot what. Doesn't help that I'm hungry..
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