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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Luke 100 Asch 79 Guy 57 Tear 100 Anise 25 Ion 55 Dist 53 Largo 34 Mieu 91
  2. Hi I don't know what to post so I'll find someone to quote--- Wow excuse you :V
  3. .....I really want to say yes because of my anxiety and general fear and difficulty speaking around people has resulted in a lot of missed opportunities and friends, but as others have mentioned fear can be useful as a survival mechanism to avoid things like making stupid decisions and recklessly endangering yourself, so I wouldn't get rid of it as much as I REALLY want to at times just to be safe.
  4. Luke 100 Asch 76 Guy 56 Tear 100 Anise 28 Ion 55 Dist 53 Largo 38 Sync 2 Mieu 90
  5. Luke 100 Asch 73 Guy 56 Tear 100 Anise 29 Ion 55 Dist 53 Largo 38 Sync 19 Mieu 85
  6. Luke 100 Asch 70 Guy 55 Tear 100 Anise 30 Ion 55 Dist 53 Largo 41 Sync 28 Mieu 82
  7. I really like the remixed version of Apollo's objection theme in DD
  8. Luke 100 Asch 70 Guy 55 Tear 100 Anise 31 Ion 54 Dist 53 Largo 41 Sync 31 Mieu 81
  9. Ehhh it depends on the game, but I usually perfer playing characters that match my sex. However, I'll play as a male if I like their design a lot better OR if the game has good replay value/has differences like love interests I might make a seperate male file then.
  10. Luke 100 Asch 69 Guy 54 Tear 100 Anise 32 Ion 54 Dist 53 Largo 42 Sync 32 Mieu 80
  11. Luke 100 Asch 67 Guy 53 Tear 100 Anise 33 Ion 54 Dist 53 Largo 44 Sync 34 Mieu 78
  12. Luke 100 Asch 67 Guy 53 Tear 100 Anise 34 Ion 53 Dist 53 Largo 44 Sync 35 Mieu 77
  13. Luke 100 Asch 65 Guy 53 Tear 100 Anise 35 Ion 53 Dist 52 Largo 46 Sync 36 Mieu 76
  14. Luke 100 Asch 64 Guy 52 Tear 98 Anise 36 Ion 53 Dist 51 Largo 47 Sync 39 Mieu 76
  15. I clicked it-- ...not surprised that its (partially)Touhou related though :V
  16. Luke 100 Asch 64 Guy 52 Tear 97 Anise 37 Ion 53 Dist 51 Largo 47 Sync 40 Mieu 75
  17. Luke 98 Asch 64 Guy 52 Tear 96 Anise 38 Ion 52 Dist 51 Largo 49 Sync 41 Mieu 75
  18. Luke 96 Asch 64 Guy 52 Tear 96 Anise 39 Ion 52 Dist 51 Largo 50 Sync 41 Mieu 75
  19. Luke 95 Asch 64 Guy 51 Tear 95 Anise 40 Natalia 7 Ion 52 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 4 Sync 41 Mieu 75
  20. 1. What is your eye color? no idea green with some gray I guess? 2. What is your natural hair color? dark brown 3. What is your blood type? uh 4. What is your race? white 5. What is your zodiac sign? leo 6. What is your chinese zodiac sign? horse 7. How much do you weigh? somewhere in the 120's 8. How tall are you? 5'3 9. Are you single or in a relationship? relationship 10. What do you want to do as your career? don't know anymore 11. What is your favorite color? teal 12. What is your favorite book? ughh I haven't read anything new in ages but I want to the Abhorsen trilogy was the last thing I recall reading and enjoying 13. What is your favorite film? I don't know Despicable Me was the last thing I watched and liked if that counts any.. 14. What is your favorite TV show? The Office is the only T.V. show I really watch anymore 15. What is your favorite song? uhh whatevers catchy to me at the time (right now its the Dual Destinies version of Start of a New Trial) 16. Who is your favorite artist/band? uh........................................... 17. What is your favorite food? bacon 18. What is your least favorite food? I have a lot but anything thats sour(unless its candy), bitter, spicy, or just has a really gross feeling texture in general eugh 19. What is your fashion sense? I like simple stuff thats cute and comfortable, I hate all tight clothes 20. What kind of personality do you have? I try not to get in anyone's way and generally get along with anyone as long as you're not rude but you'd have to approach me first I can't approach...... anyone.......... ever..... 21. What is your favorite sport? don't really have one 22. What are your hobbies? drawing, learning, exploring, window shopping online, games, more stuff, ok, taking walks 23. What is your favorite video game? ...Wind Waker? 24. What electronic devices do you own? laptop, 3DS/DS, Wii, PS2, PS3 25. What is your religion? don't have one 26. What are your fears? bees/wasps, being ignored/abandoned by people, spiders, heights, death and other health related bs 27. Where would you like to travel to? I don't really have anywhere specific in mind I guess somewhere with a lot of pretty scenery and neat architecture 28. Who is your favorite fictional character? how in the hell do you expect me to answer this augh I guess Utsutsu at the moment 29. What kind of weather do you like? mild 30. Do you have any tattoos? no 31. Do you have any piercings? had ear piercings that I got as a baby and NEVER ASKED FOR jfc I let them close up because I don't like how they feel 32. Do you drink? no 33. Do you smoke? no 34. What is your favorite supernatural/mythological creature? fairies woo 35. Do you prefer sweet or bitter things? sweet 36. What is your gender? female 37. What is your sexual orientation? bacon 38. Do you have any children? no and I never will 39. How many languages do you speak fluently in? 1 40. What is your most valuable possession? who knows
  21. Luke 95 Asch 64 Guy 51 Tear 94 Anise 41 Natalia 8 Ion 52 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 5 Sync 41 Mieu 75
  22. Luke 94 Asch 64 Guy 51 Tear 93 Anise 42 Natalia 9 Ion 52 Dist 50 Largo 50 Legretta 7 Sync 41 Mieu 75
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