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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I'm going by personality here because I'm too lazy to go by usefulness though its more like "really don't care for" rather than dislike since i don't really have any strong opinions about most of the characters. Sumia: -- I had actually heard about her being disliked before playing the game and I assumed it was solely for shipping reasons which seem unfair(also I don't care about Chrom anyway) so I wanted to give her a chance. But nope, her personality turned out to be extremely grating and all of her supports were just zzzzzzz. I'm glad she stops appearing in the actual story for the most part during the second half. Kellam: Boring gimmick Chrom!Cynthia: As mentioned before, if Chrom is her father she looks like a total imbecile considering the fact she mistaked a random brigand for him and just making her character nonsensical. Plus his haircolor looks horrible on her. A villager NPC whenever they head directly toward an enemy unit: self-explanatory Gregor: His manner of speech is annoying plus his supports with Sully pissed me off because it seemed like he wanted to humiliate her whenever he won a match and its just.. ugh.. Vaike: Typical meathead zzzzzzz Excellus: Typical overly smug schemeing villain
  2. Jude Mathis 25 Milla Maxwell 26 Alvin 28 Leia Rolando 28 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J.IIbert 25 Nachtigal 25 Gilland 20 Gaius 30 Muzet 25 Ludger Will Kresnik 27 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25 Jiao 25 Presa 25 Agria 22 Wingul 25 Ivar 19 Maxwell 25
  3. Lloyd Irving 25 Colette Brunel 25 Genis Sage 27 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Auron 31 Zelos Wilder 25 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 28 Sheena Fujibayashi 25 Emil Castagnier 25 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 25 Martel Yggdrasill 25 Yuan Ka-Fai 22 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Alice 23 Decus 25 Hawk 25 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25 Kvar 24 Magnius 25 Forcystus 25 Rodyle 15 Pronyma 25
  4. Her personality overall, I found her to be one of the more interesting characters and a lot of scenes involving her are just downright funny. Yes, She can be very arrogant and not very tact when it comes to addressing those of lower status than her but her supports show that she really does try to help others and she even goes as far to become a magistrate to reform the law and make sure everyone is treated fairly regardless of status in her endings. Also her relationship with Lissa is sweet. Maribelle is just great.
  5. No no, Its not swearing in excess that bothers me, just the terms I saw being used a lot like "bitch, slut, whore, etc." since I don't like sexist slurs or anything of that ilk in general Go team older party members \o/
  6. Jude Mathis 25 Milla Maxwell 25 Alvin 27 Leia Rolando 27 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J.IIbert 25 Nachtigal 25 Gilland 21 Gaius 30 Muzet 25 Ludger Will Kresnik 25 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25 Jiao 25 Presa 25 Agria 24 Wingul 25 Ivar 21 Maxwell 25
  7. Lloyd Irving 25 Colette Brunel 25 Genis Sage 26 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Auron 30 Zelos Wilder 25 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 27 Sheena Fujibayashi 25 Emil Castagnier 25 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 25 Martel Yggdrasill 25 Yuan Ka-Fai 22 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Alice 25 Decus 25 Hawk 25 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25 Kvar 25 Magnius 25 Forcystus 25 Rodyle 19 Pronyma 25
  8. While I was catching up I saw like two pages littered to the brim with misogynstic slurs like can you not Like I agree that person being talked about does sound horrible and she had no right to do those things but saying a bunch of things like that is really shitty and it makes me not want to bother looking here if I have to see it on a regular basis Kratos is neat, but but REGALLLLLL Maybe if theres no one better left to vote for later on I might help you idk
  9. Lloyd Irving 25 Colette Brunel 25 Genis Sage 26 Raine Sage 25 Kratos Auron 28 Zelos Wilder 25 Presea Combatir 25 Regal Bryant 26 Sheena Fujibayashi 25 Emil Castagnier 25 Marta Lualdi 25 Mithos Yggdrasill 25 Martel Yggdrasill 25 Yuan Ka-Fai 22 Richter Abend 25 Tenebrae 25 Alice 25 Decus 25 Hawk 25 Brute 25 Aqua 25 Ratatosk 25 Kvar 25 Magnius 25 Forcystus 25 Rodyle 24 Pronyma 25
  10. Jude Mathis 25 Millia Maxwell 25 Alvin 26 Leia Rolando 26 Elize Lutus 25 Rowen J.IIlbert 25 Nachtigal 25 Gilland 24 Gaius 27 Muzet 25 Ludger Will Kresnik 25 Julius Will Kresnik 25 Elle Mel Marta 25 Jiao 25 Presa 25 Agria 25 Wingul 25 Ivar 22 Maxwell 25
  11. Ah, welcome back Criz. Thirding the feeling ignored sucks thing.. I feel like nobody would notice or care if I'm around in all of the groups I'm in.
  12. Mostly sloth, with some envy and wrath thrown in there as well I guess :l
  13. Theres nothing wrong with it since babies get can hungry at anytime, Its absolutely disgusting how there are people who complain about it and call it "indecent" and how a body part is so sexualized to the point that it can't be used for its INTENDED PURPOSE in public.
  14. Go with perfection-- I mean Maribelle.
  15. ..............Me neither lol Yessssssssssssss omfg I think Lloyd's will always be my favorite
  16. Ahh nice, I was reading an LP and they posted some of the PS3 exclusive stuff. More Flynn is always nice.
  17. /BURSTS IN ....HELLO YES did someone call for a Tales fan I am fan I love that battle theme hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  18. Dual Destinies or save it, saving is good.
  19. I've seen some amazing stuff on there as well, I'm just like WHAT because its hard for me to draw anything on such a small canvas and I can't make straight lines when needed because I can't keep my hand steady enough. That said, doodling on there is fun regardless.
  20. Pssst, if anyone is interested the FE:Awakening Miiverse is finally up. Hi HK
  21. Ooo, I had no idea this Twitter existed. The Miiverse is filled with such an absurd and ridiculous community. I like reading through a few pages of some boards, its great. I remember one time I drew a doodle of Maya Fey and for some reason someone commented on it saying "where are you?" ?????? I don't get it. And from what I've seen innapropriate stuff gets modded pretty fast.
  22. I wouldn't know, its hard to find threads to actually post in as it is due to either bad quality or because I have nothing to contribute, I'd imagine those two are no different.
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