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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I'm just gonna go with 4 for some reason.
  2. Heeeeeeey and good night Helloooooooo~oo
  3. I love Emmeryn its just that when people use the word squishy I think of squishy things of that sort I'MSORRY
  4. ER I only play multiplayer in non-competitive-y things like Animal Crossing though
  5. So I decided to check Shindanmaker(bascially some silly site RNG thing that gives you results based on your name) after who knows how long and I found a "what Fire Emblem class are you one" and I got this "Lettuce starts as a Merchant and with a Gameshark is promoted to nothing, they defect." what
  6. Hiii and yeeeeeeeeeah I just noticed... I hope I'm not being a bother by coming in or something.
  7. I have arrived. As in, I decided to roll in like a tumbleweed. Gotta make my entrance somehow
  8. Yeah it wasn't too bad! I was just glad everyone was safe and all that. As of late yeah, pretty much. I like LoZ and Kirby a lot too but its been awhile since I've played anything related to either. ): Oh my goodness, I'm sorry to hear about your day. I am hoping tomorrow will be much better for you so please don't think nobody cares!!
  9. Ahaha I actually did have to deal with a really bad blackout just a few months ago due to a storm that knocked out our power for 3 days and it was really awful I ended up staying at a family member's because I thought I'd trip and bang into to things even though I know my home layout really well just because it was pitch black and it was really unsettling hhhhhhhh I like a lot of games really I could never really pick favorites but some things I really like are the Ace Attorney series, Harvest Moon, Tales of, Persona 3+4, MGS and I tend to go on/off again with Pokemon. I don't watch much T.V. except The Office reruns and maybe shows on Boomerang if theres anything good on and also with movies but I did see Pacific Rim recently-ish and I enjoyed it!
  10. Hiiiiii!~ Oooo suresure!!! HRRRM I don't know really where to start, I think I'm better at observing than talking but I love talking too don't get me wrong I really like going outside and watching insects and birds and learning about things and you'll probably slowly learn more about me once I start posting more and talking about my interests too YEAH
  11. Kinda, I'll figure out something to do eventually.
  12. Hahaha~ Just checking up on the thread for a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
  13. Good night to those who have left~ TRUE its always usually just a huge bore or a trainwreck I think I just like seeing the crowd's reactions to performances and when people on the internet liveblog it AhAHAhaha
  14. ...UH h oh no SO ANYWAY.... I have no why idea why I watched the VMAs, I'm not really interested with most of the people there but I had nothing else to do at the time oops
  15. She's from Love Live! and no she is not a bird, but I have seen fanart of her with birds. Birds are cool. Birdies.
  16. Kotori makes the best faces other than that I have no idea
  17. Meeeeeeeeee And I forgot about potatoes how could I
  18. Carrots are great. I like green bell peppers too.
  19. I should probably get something to eat phbtbtbhtbthbth What is a Letty and what is this pls thing they have to do That's because I just joined recently, nice to meet you~
  20. Is there a side I haven't seen because I'm p sure you're always 100% nonchalant....... ʘ‿ʘ Hi there!!!!
  21. Welp, I don't know whats going on but I feel like I should be afraid to check the Awakening board at all now. And that's the only one I've played too I'm going to sit here most of the time and play it safe because you guys seem rad shhhhhhhh
  22. Wait what why are you hiding COME HERE Hello there!!!
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