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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I can't even stand the SMELL of pickles, let alone the taste. Always makes me feel sick. I'm not crazy about cucumbers either but I'd take them over pickles any day.
  2. Heeeey everybody And as for being around, I'm pretty much in the same boat as Ein.
  3. Ahh Iunno I'm just not all that hyped for some reason. :c Like theres some Pokemon that look really cool and I like the customization for trainers but its just not enough for me to get excited for some reason.. And I'm also a bit bummed they're going to 3D because I like the 2D graphics/pixel art better but eh
  4. I hope they re-release Shaymin. They're really cute and I don't have one but they likely wouldn't do it until X and Y came out which means I'd have to buy X although I'm not really interested in gen 6 SOBS
  5. Cool cool. I just realized Windwaker HD came out today but no Wii U hhhhhhh, looks pretty though. Ohhh, I'm slow then lol
  6. Yooooo, I'm doing alright here. You? Am I literal cargo? Where am I being shipped to????????? There should totally be a box shaped one if there isn't already.
  7. Yeah, don't end up like I do everywhere. ;_; Maybe I should be more over the top of something.
  8. Gotta stay chill somehow. Anddddd I forgot anything else I was going to say, aghh.
  9. EW ITS A DINGUSHEAD And I can't get into Touhou because shmups.. I like some of the music but feel awkward listening to it or telling people I do though because I feel like people expect you to like the games too or something. Oh, I'm gonna get the final Nookling store upgrade tomorrow too. FINALLY.
  10. I hate sneezing fits waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah also night
  11. I'm okay with this. Cats make everything better.
  12. Pssst, I'm thinking of changing my avatar later but can't decide between who I'm torn between Rise Kujikawa, Raiden(from MGS/MGR), or Kotori Minami(aka the girl in my sig that scares people) I'm leaning towards Rise tho, she's great and I like her hair
  13. Oh, cool. And I would but you have to go out and actually find an area with a Nintendo Zone location to download these AC items rather than letting you download them from home. :/ Its really silly.
  14. Wait.. Did I do something wrong?? I'd apologize if I knew what!! Also, I wish the closest Nintendo Zone didn't have such awful connection ugh.. At least I managed to get the tea set DLC for Animal Crossing before the deadline, didn't work the other day.
  15. BONEY I'm lurking and I don't know how to get out, help. I spelunked too much.
  16. Yooooooo~ I'm not familiar with FE11, so just give me anyone you want idk
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