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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. nice who do you even like have you watched Sunshine yet or just the original WHAT SONGS DO YOU LIKE MOST do you agree Kotori is best tell me everything
  2. great ITS OK I did it finally it just took me forever to think of something and hit submit I wish trying to talk to profs or most people didn't feel like the end of the world aaaaaaaaaa
  3. I HAVE A THING DUE MONDAY but the prof hasn't even posted the ""attached document"" that we have to use for the outline and I looked thoroughly on blackboard I already emailed her three times this semester I'm worried about annoying her and how she's gonna react =(
  4. Thanks guys! Hell yes 4lyfe You're rubbing her armpit??????????? das weird
  5. nvm I'm better I wish I didn't have constant moodswings..I'm worried people are gonna get the wrong idea ~_~ Happy to be of help sir! 「(°ヘ°)
  6. god I want someone to come into my house and kill me so I don't have to bother writing this paper its just setting me off :)))))) I'm confused how grading works for this class too if it wasn't for that I'd just skip this assignment entirely I've gotten 100's for my first two tests and assignments but whatever.....
  7. I mean yeah she looks super attractive in a suit and ponytail but like I never been the type to like idk feel affected?? don't know how to word it ¯\_( ´ ~ `)_/¯
  8. True enough, haha ;_; I mean you aren't wrong, thats probably why I almost always have bruised knees..always hittin them against stuff
  9. I FORGOT TO TAKE MY GLASSES OFF BEFORE SHOWEIRNG aasieoeoghejwjeghejwkle;a;ls;f :( But I never get the hots for fictional characters so how
  10. just give me the Camilla one and I'm good
  11. Awww, cosplaying seems much more difficult without sewing/clothing making skills ;_; rip thank!!!!
  12. Those are good choices yes! The crazy one would also work but it also sounds like it'd be a pain to put together since the outfit is more elaborate.. @_@ did he agree to it
  13. :o Tell me about it like what outfit of her's are you gonna use and stuff no YOU what'd I do though
  14. I'm short-circuiting ;_; If they're oven mitts you could use them all year!!
  15. I wrote an intro GOOD ENOUGH FOR NOW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal;aaaaaaad;;;;;;;;;;;;ad; im gonna punch a wall or sometinhgn
  16. respect which would be the natural reaction of the people anyway because you know, me
  17. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| aaaaaaaa ;;;aaaaaaaaaaaaa ;aaaaaaaaaaaaaa;;;;;;;;;;;;;a aa;aaaaaaaaaa;;;;;;;aaaaaa; ; dont feel like doing shit
  18. I either sleep for like 12 hours or I don't sleep at all @_@ feel like somethings offfffff
  19. Ya I know but I still crave it on occasion :^(
  20. Thats how I felt when I started out ;__; I still miss having it regularly-- but honestly I used to drink it waaaay too much I need to drink more water and I don't wanna ruin my teeth I wish I could have this sort of resolve when it comes to other bad habits/obligations I need to do I'm not even sure how I managed this one, I guess I'm just used to it now!
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