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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. u are a madman tbf this is the first time its happened so I can't be all that mad but STILL
  2. all 3* roll eat shittttttttttttttttttttttttt
  3. idk about my day but your presence is always a good thing HELLO
  4. =) Its okay-ish I don't really like it as much as I used to I'm mostly a chicken person as far as meat goes now
  5. I never realized how much I hate having to make metaphors for homework until now
  6. I can't believe my mom was all "YOU NEED TO EAT MORE FRUIT YOUR CHOLESTEROL IS GONNA BE SKY HIGH" all because I ate some sausage when its been months since I last ate any and since when did you care about my health fakeassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  7. I always hated the notion that you can't move on from what someone did to you unless you forgive them, like its something you HAVE TO DO otherwise you'll be angry and resentful forever like c'mon man I don't forgive people depending on what they did and I move on just fine so no, if I had the chance to get revenge I still wouldn't forgive them but it would feel pretty great ngl
  8. GOOD TASTE the hearts are among my favorites and i'm glad that there is a lot of 'em
  9. success?????????????????? I mean I can see it
  10. ? ? ? ? ? ? I forgot to do this sooner but I'm checking if emoji works on sf now since we had an update it looks like it does going by the preview but WE'LL SEE
  11. lmao so after all is said and done according to my mom she brought the cat to her co-worker, and one of her kids starts blabbing about names and is like "CAN WE NAME HER ELIZABETH?" and the co-worker is like ehh and then shes like "CAN WE NAME HER AMY?" and my mom points out she has a daughter with that name and then shes like "WHY DIDNT YOU NAME ME AMY?" so there is a possibility that cat now has the same name as me depending on what they end up deciding on idk i'm still a bit worried though that lady has like 5 kids and they aren't that old (the youngest is 6 iirc) and even though that cat doesn't seem all that feral shes still afraid of people she doesn't know and gets startled easily, the whole time she stayed at our house she was scared and wouldn't come out of the carrier for most of the night and refused to eat or drink
  12. I've been going for days with barely any sleep lmao idk whats going on but maybe it'll pass soon
  13. A thread where my adoring fans come to see me every day, obviously!
  14. Ah geez that cat didn't eat at all last night and is freaking out badly :( np, and thank you also! also why would anyone bully you over buying a switch thats DUMB
  15. what are you hanging out in the dark so much for
  16. Just popping in to say my apologies for your current situation Sask, sounds all too rough and I wish I was better with words but I really do wish you all the best. You deserve better than to be shitted on by things my dude Cat update: We caught one of them and we're temporarily keeping them downstairs until mom can get them fixed tomorrow. She insists that cat is female which is worrisome because more cats have been lurking around lately so she may be in heat(though thats not gonna fully solve the problem if shes not the only one..) and apparently theres a co-worker of mom's who is willing to take the cat so hooray
  17. the right decision? thats too big of a responsibility for me!
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