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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Ahhh more green sounds nice, good to hear! and dang thats nuts @_@ I've been used to seeing speed duel format lately because duel links so seeing that many spell cards is something lol
  2. Thank you, thank you! I appreciate it lots And thats sounds like quite a big move, I'm glad things are working out better for you now. How is Oregon anyway?
  3. YOOO Okay! I'm getting overwhelmed by school and wanting to do well bffffffffpppp but I'm feeling better, you?
  4. kinda tempted to look up botw spoilers since I don't have a system I can play it on, and I probably won't get a Switch for a couple of years if I decide to because I feel like its never a good idea to get a console on release no matter what it is on the other hand I feel like I shouldn't but it will become a lot harder to avoid them anyway eventually so whatevs
  5. I should ya and it could be something else too I think I've randomly seen red marks elsewhere that came and went dunno why but it doesn't hurt or feel weird so I'm not too concerned Will try to
  6. Nah its ok I don't mind theres like a corner of a desk thats kinda pointy that I just hit the back of it against and I didn't really realize what I was doing until later when I saw the aforementioned dots and light bruising and now I look like a fool I should probably hit things that are objects and not myself but I don't think ughg And I actually can't drop them because I'd have to pay back financial aid which is like shitloads of money that I can't afford I'm just scared about future meltdowns and the like though I did finally finish my one paper earlier, and being the contradictory person I am part of me just wants to stop bothering and halfass everything because I'm like "whats the point lol" but another part of me gets super anxious about it and I get perfectionist-like and don't wanna get bad grades I'm super adverse to failure uhh I hope this was coherent enough I still feel like I'm not 100% I don't know what this means but I'll take your word for it
  7. I mysteriously got a bunch of tiny red dots on the back of my hand and I can't think of any other way it happened besides repeatedly slamming it against a desk from getting stressed about school -_- I just wanna drop my classes entirely I feel like I ain't acting right and I didn't have the right headspace when I started anyway but my dad pressured me into it weee
  8. o ok I had no idea if you knew about his whole "cats are the devil u nerd" stance before he met one of my cats but I wanted to share nevertheless!! and AGREED >:)
  9. get meeeee ooout fuk this is the best and I'd believe it
  10. dam...... got me again.......... it true
  11. this is hilarious i'm losign my shit also HELLO YOU CHEN your insights are welcome as always
  12. yes Dark Pit is a gr8 kind of edgy though he will always have a place as one of my favorite characters of all time
  13. Speaking of cats... Hoshihoshiiiiiiiiiiii did you know Pride is starting to warm up to cats now lololol
  14. So many kitties around people's homes it sounds like aaaaaaaaaa I hope they will be safe
  15. There are still a couple of cats hanging around here that don't seem to have homes I wish they did ~_~
  16. I looked at the bigger list in the article posted in Fei Mao's link and some of those domain names are just......what Yeah buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. gr8 thanks for the assessment Dusky if I could I would!
  18. lol honestly I don't remember how these guys fare I think Dusk told me Shanna is good
  19. Save your moneyyyyyyyyyyyy I'm gonna do a roll too bc seeing all these posts is tempting me and also because I hate myself
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