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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I've been really good about cutting soda out of my diet its been about more than a year I forgot when I exactly started Wanted to treat myself to one because having one once in a blue moon wouldn't hurt so while I was out with some friends to drop one of them off for work I gave her a dollar to get one from the vending machine from her break room to give back to me, but by the time I got back and tried it I noticed it tasted rather flat ......the best by date was November 2016
  2. I don't wanna die but I also wanna die and I don't want those close to me to die its hard my dude
  3. I actually really like Asuka but I dropped nge after like 11 episodes because I wasn't interested in the show enough to keep watching rip
  4. Its ok I generally did worse even when not being rusty and playing this game a ton as a teen was ALWAYS RUNNIN SMACK DAB INTO CARS AND SHIT
  5. darn it neal congrats though!!
  6. I was thinking Effie too, I don't really have any beefy units iirc It'd also be nice if this game threw some mages at me, but o well
  7. Made a list for the ones that seem most okayish and usable enough, because I'm bad at keeping track lol F!Corrin +spd -hp Kagero -hp +res Nowi +atk -spd Jorge +spd -def Gordin +atk -spd adult Tiki +spd -res Effie +def -atk boon and bane seems kinda weirdish for some of them, idk
  8. thanks TE I'm glad you understand ;_; like what anyway you're a good man Mumu!!
  9. ...idk which of my 4*s is even worth promoting :| I mean I got a 4* Marth too but I also have Lyn so its like....Do I /really/ need another *5 sword unit and I have a bunch of other 4-3* sword users too they come out like candy
  10. I can't help who I like ok!!!!! everything about me will have to be censored sad life
  11. Nightmare is super cool he was like my first friend on sf back when I was new and didn't explore much of the forums and with my limited view assumed all of the community was a bunch of weirdys, but then he came in like a beacon of light one day and commented on my profile about jojo and we talked for a while and i was like "wow this guy is.........super cool..........." and I was TOTES AWESTRUCK ever since he also was the catalyst in me talking to Pride bc I'm a loser who doesn't know how to talk to people/doesn't know who is worth talking at first so I was like "da fuk is dis guy" but I saw that they were super friendly and because of my weirdass logic I was like "Nightmare likes this guy he must be ok" but I got to learn that he was cool too with my own eyes so it all worked out HES SUPER NICE AND UNDERSTANDING??? I can talk to him about anything and hes always understanding and kind and is supportive of me so in return I always want stuff to work out ok for him and I support him too hes probably the only person I know who can say dick jokes and be funny hes super fashionable like wow??? im jealous i wish i could look as slick hes an overall fun and chill kind of guy who can easily make a conversation great and memorable he is a true pal and I wish I wasn't scared to to talk to people =(
  12. Yes Shame on you! damn........u got me Good!!!!!!!!!! Is rough I know, yet one of the many reasons I want out of here ;_; Yeah true at this point just me sitting here breathing is probably considered lewd I might as well keep on truckin'
  13. Pride laughed at me earlier because I don't know shit about biblical texts like I got the sequence of events wrong and thought baby Moses was found in a burning bush I DIDN'T KNOW OK damn it schoolwork, making me to learn about things THATS THE WORST AAAAAAAA m-maybe they'll leave it alone eventually? noice What HEY lts lewd to like women now?????????????
  14. lolol I get it, I'm in my late 20s and my parents are still weird about me talking to people over the internet not to mention if its someone of the opposite sex they assume something is going on even though I established who knows how many times that I'm in a committed relationship and I'm not even the flirting type :| good thing they don't know I'm attracted to women as well or I wouldn't be able to talk to ANYONE without them raising eyebrows ugh And yay, good news!
  15. Its okay tho lmao it was fun ;_____; gl on getting a new one Yes I don't know what to though
  16. also headpats r pretty great I doubleposted because arranging text above quoteboxes is a headache now
  17. =) Ah shit I'm just glad you're safe, I hope the other stuff gets sorted out okay too though is nuts I did nothing!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I bet Nothing wrong with that and its pretty fun, cards are kind of a pain to get because mobile game hijinks but Konami seems generous enough with gems and the server issues aren't as bad as it was when the game first came out..I think this is a good way for me to get into the game since the current meta is based off of old school YGO and doesn't have junk in it like synchro or pendulum summons at least not yet but figuring out deckbuilding is kinda tense I'm no good with deciding aaaaaaa
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